Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by ChristianC Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:39 am

Stinger wrote:BTW: is there a plan to use the tapatalk software for mobile devices?

We haven't gotten around to discussing it among the mods but will raise it now.
Tatooine Taisho

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Dr Dengar Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:51 pm

Stinger wrote:BTW: is there a plan to use the tapatalk software for mobile devices?

Despite many request from different forums over the past 5 years, Tapatalk has not been made compatible with the Forumotion platform yet.

So unfortunately, we can't run the mobile friendly Tapatalk interface yet, sorry.  Sad

Dr Dengar
Dr Dengar
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Stinger Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:00 pm

Dr Dengar wrote:
Stinger wrote:BTW: is there a plan to use the tapatalk software for mobile devices?

Despite many request from different forums over the past 5 years, Tapatalk has not been made compatible with the Forumotion platform yet.

So unfortunately, we can't run the mobile friendly Tapatalk interface yet, sorry.  Sad

No problem, I found a browser which I can use instead of safari or tapatalk Wink
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Johnb Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:41 pm

I have had no problems so far,and I am getting a lot of good info.keep up the good work
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by cantina_patron Fri Jan 08, 2016 6:44 pm

Thank you John, we're pleased that you are enjoying the forum. Very Happy
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Kamshaft Sat Jan 09, 2016 6:52 pm

So far everyone here has been very welcoming.
From a community stand point, awesome!

From a technical stand point, I'd like to see Tapatalk installed on these forums. Currently on my iPhone there's no place to login and interact. I have to goto my PC to do that.

If Tapatalk gets installed, then I could take Tantive XI on the road on my cell phone, tablet,etc.. yay
Definitely worth looking into.

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by chris.75 Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:02 pm

Unfortunately tapatalk is currently not compatible with the forumotion software that we use for this forum.
I use the classic view or 'request desktop site' setting on my phone and tablet, giving me the same look that is on my PC, which works very well for me.
Tatooine Taisho

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by ourchickenshack Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:05 pm

Kamshaft wrote:So far everyone here has been very welcoming.
From a community stand point, awesome!

From a technical stand point, I'd like to see Tapatalk installed on these forums.  Currently on my iPhone there's no place to login and interact.  I have to goto my PC to do that.

If Tapatalk gets installed, then I could take Tantive XI on the road on my cell phone, tablet,etc.. yay
Definitely worth looking into.


Thanks Stephen cheers

We have already looked into Tapatalk and unfortunately it is not currently compatible with forumotion ...

Dr Dengar wrote:Despite many request from different forums over the past 5 years, Tapatalk has not been made compatible with the Forumotion platform yet.

So unfortunately, we can't run the mobile friendly Tapatalk interface yet, sorry. Sad
Dagobah Daimyo

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Kamshaft Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:07 pm

chris.75 wrote:Unfortunately tapatalk is currently not compatible with the forumotion software that we use for this forum.
I use the classic view or 'request desktop site' setting on my phone and tablet, giving me the same look that is on my PC, which works very well for me.

I know there are work arounds. Smile

Forumotion seems to use phpBB. It's too bad they just can't add it (totally do-able), because there is a plugin for it.

I'd be willing to host it for you guys for free. then we could add it. LOL

Thanks for the quick reply.

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by chris.75 Sat Jan 09, 2016 7:54 pm

Kamshaft wrote:I know there are work arounds.   Smile

Forumotion seems to use phpBB. It's too bad they just can't add it (totally do-able), because there is a plugin for it.

I'd be willing to host it for you guys for free. then we could add it. LOL

Thanks for the quick reply.

Thank you for your kind offer Stephen, we'll pass it on to our mechanics and see what they say Smile
Tatooine Taisho

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by TheGent Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:27 pm

1. What do you like about Tantive XI as it stands?
a) I like big avatars (can't help it, I do!)
b) It seems this froums is driven by some dedicated collectors, some of you I know already and had contact with before and think this team is a good mixture of different personalities.
c) I like the structure so far and I would prefer to keep it that short at least on the top level of the forum.
d) I see Tantive IV becoming a standard vintage star wars knowledge base! I have been overwhelmed by the amount of stuff shown on facebook (and met a lot of new friends) but I still see a great danger of information getting lost there. Answers have to be given hundreds of times, some questions come up again every week! I hope that by taking part in this forum, it will be a more reliable and well structured knowledge base than other forums I'm registered. Whenever questions come up on other bases like FB, Whatsapp etc, I'd like to just copy and paste a link to a certain section of this forum and help is at hand! I'll try my best to contribute as much as I can.

2. And more importantly, what aspects of the forum can we improve?
a) I'm online via Smartphone about 80% of all online time. I use Android and I have to use the "Deman Desktop version" function of either Webkit, Google Chrome, Firefox, CM Browser etc.
On mobile view it only shows the topics, I have to browse to one topic and hit "Reply" in order to log in. Hope you can do seomthing about that.
But once logged in, it displays very well, all text readable, all pictures are nicely scaled etc.

b) Although I like the Project Sandbox as I'm personally affected with my Luke Farmboy Saber Coordination Project. I love to let things develop before they are considered worthy. Although to some projects (mine included) there is no real point to say it's finished, now let's up this "officially" or something. My project is growing so it will never be considered "ready" or "done", but it already has a very solid base to help people out. Maybe you can tell me or should we discuss on when a project is worth getting out of the sandbox?

c) I'm a variant hunter. I'd love to have a variant section with two topics for each figure: A single thread where only pictures of various variants (and comparison shots) are accumulated and one seperate discussion thread where people can discuss the differences, with pictures of course. So one is for reference only and one open to the public. People can godparent / moderate a figure picture thread so someone keeps them neat and clean and without any text apart from the picture description. No discussions, that's what the second thread is about. As an alternative to having two threads (that may end up in 180+ threads, I reckon) we could have one picture thread for each figure and only ONE "Vintage variant discussion" thread. We had a similar kind of structure on german where everyone could contribute moc, loose, baggies etc. to ONE figure a thread ending up having all figures covered. (Plus there should be some sort of rules like Titel descriptions for Mocs like "12 Back "A" Luke Skywalker" or something.)

d) Monthly/ Weekly events like "Vintage item of the month" or #FOTW (Figure of the week on Facebook, so people can show their approach to a certain figure.

That's about it. Cheers!

My [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] on this board - any help appreciated!
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Commander Clint Tue Jan 12, 2016 4:20 pm

TheGent wrote:2. And more importantly, what aspects of the forum can we improve?
a) I'm online via Smartphone about 80% of all online time. I use Android and I have to use the "Deman Desktop version" function of either Webkit, Google Chrome, Firefox, CM Browser etc.
On mobile view it only shows the topics, I have to browse to one topic and hit "Reply" in order to log in. Hope you can do seomthing about that.
But once logged in, it displays very well, all text readable, all pictures are nicely scaled etc.

We are looking definitely looking at improving the mobile version for all the smart phone users. We have run into a few road blocks, but are looking for some solutions.Very Happy

TheGent wrote:b) Although I like the Project Sandbox as I'm personally affected with my Luke Farmboy Saber Coordination Project. I love to let things develop before they are considered worthy. Although to some projects (mine included) there is no real point to say it's finished, now let's up this "officially" or something. My project is growing so it will never be considered "ready" or "done", but it already has a very solid base to help people out. Maybe you can tell me or should we discuss on when a project is worth getting out of the sandbox?

Maybe we can put a copy of your thread, back into the vintage chat section for it to develop. At the same time, as information is verified, your copy in the sandbox is updated. At the same time, a copy is put in the Library and updated as req'd.

TheGent wrote:c) I'm a variant hunter. I'd love to have a variant section with two topics for each figure: A single thread where only pictures of various variants (and comparison shots) are accumulated and one seperate discussion thread where people can discuss the differences, with pictures of course. So one is for reference only and one open to the public. People can godparent / moderate a figure picture thread so someone keeps them neat and clean and without any text apart from the picture description. No discussions, that's what the second thread is about. As an alternative to having two threads (that may end up in 180+ threads, I reckon) we could have one picture thread for each figure and only ONE "Vintage variant discussion" thread. We had a similar kind of structure on german where everyone could contribute moc, loose, baggies etc. to ONE figure a thread ending up having all figures covered. (Plus there should be some sort of rules like Titel descriptions for Mocs like "12 Back "A" Luke Skywalker" or something.)

This what we are working towards as well. A discussion thread where everyone can post their thoughts & pictures to discuss. And then when stuff is debated & verified, a Library card is created as read only, and kept clean & neat. cheers

TheGent wrote:d) Monthly/ Weekly events like "Vintage item of the month" or #FOTW (Figure of the week on Facebook, so people can show their approach to a certain figure.

This is along the lines of what we would like to do as well.

Welcome to the team. cheers
Commander Clint
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by chris.75 Tue Jan 12, 2016 5:23 pm

TheGent wrote:
b) Although I like the Project Sandbox as I'm personally affected with my Luke Farmboy Saber Coordination Project. I love to let things develop before they are considered worthy. Although to some projects (mine included) there is no real point to say it's finished, now let's up this "officially" or something. My project is growing so it will never be considered "ready" or "done", but it already has a very solid base to help people out. Maybe you can tell me or should we discuss on when a project is worth getting out of the sandbox?

yes I agree Holger, it would be a good idea for you to have a discussion thread for research where people can contribute pics and info on all things Luke Farmboy Smile
one of the main reasons we moved your project to the sandbox is so that we can work with you, to help stylize your project, so that it ties in better with the look of our other guides and library sections.

TheGent wrote:c) I'm a variant hunter. I'd love to have a variant section with two topics for each figure: A single thread where only pictures of various variants (and comparison shots) are accumulated and one seperate discussion thread where people can discuss the differences, with pictures of course. So one is for reference only and one open to the public. People can godparent / moderate a figure picture thread so someone keeps them neat and clean and without any text apart from the picture description. No discussions, that's what the second thread is about. As an alternative to having two threads (that may end up in 180+ threads, I reckon) we could have one picture thread for each figure and only ONE "Vintage variant discussion" thread. We had a similar kind of structure on german where everyone could contribute moc, loose, baggies etc. to ONE figure a thread ending up having all figures covered. (Plus there should be some sort of rules like Titel descriptions for Mocs like "12 Back "A" Luke Skywalker" or something.)

Have you discovered our 3 3/4 loose figure library card section?

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

it already contains a large amount of variants and is very much a work in progress.
As Clint already mentioned, we have yet to create discussion threads for these sections. But for now any contributions of pics and info can be added to the vintage toy chat thread

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

from here we can extract the relevant info and use it it to update, the existing library cards Smile
we also plan to do this for MOCs, Vehicles and playsets.
Tatooine Taisho

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Ian_C Tue Jan 12, 2016 10:28 pm

TheGent wrote:
b) It seems this froums is driven by some dedicated collectors, some of you I know already and had contact with before and think this team is a good mixture of different personalities.

It sure is!

Better still Holger, it's entirely drama free. Petty arguments we see on other boards just don't exist here, as everyone is accepting of different opinions. That's perfect for a guy like me, who lets emotions get me carried away when arguments spring up.

With any luck, this place will pick up more steam, and the vintage pioneers like Gus, Ron, Chris, and Joe Y get involved, as their knowledge is irreplaceable. Even if they don't, I'm enjoying this board, which is more than I can say elsewhere these days. clapping

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by The84th Sat Jan 23, 2016 4:45 pm

Just Positive feedback, no suggestions at the moment. The notifications are helpful and the picture hosting options are great and easy to use! I also like the quick "Thanks" option for responses.
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Suber2016 Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:28 pm

Hi there! First of all, I have to applause this effort. Thanks a lot. Nevertheless, I tried to connect using an iPad and it was kind of problematic. The registration and Log in taba, didn't appeared, etc. I don't know if it is a compatibility problem, anyway, just wanted to let you know so you can check about problemas using iPads.
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by dixiebull Sat Jan 23, 2016 7:36 pm

The forum seems to run pretty smooth. I have not found any issues really that I can critique. One thing I could mention would be it would be nice to be able to edit your uploaded photos and preview them before posting. I also haven't found a feedback section for trades with fellow members. It would be reassuring to see successful trades with someone before "jumping in the sack" with them.

Other than these small things, my biggest regret is that this is not a real ship, and I am not really conscripted to the rebel alliance in a galaxy far far away! How great would that be? haha
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by ourchickenshack Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:00 pm

Here is where are member feedback section is :

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still not a lot of members that have started threads for themselves but it will grow in time hopefully .

I can assure you that the majority of the members here are well known in other Star Wars collector communities and would be safe to buy or trade from Very Happy

If you ever have any questions regarding members feel free to ask one of our mod team about them via a pm - we can let you know who has a good rep from our experience with them . Of course there are new members to us as well so the only way for everyone to get to know each other will be to see them posting and getting to know the rest of the community What a Face
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Commander Clint Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:27 pm

Suber2016 wrote:Hi there! First of all, I have to applause this effort. Thanks a lot. Nevertheless, I tried to connect using an iPad and it was kind of problematic. The registration and Log in taba, didn't appeared, etc. I don't know if it is a compatibility problem, anyway, just wanted to let you know so you can check about problemas using iPads.

First, welcome

We are having some issues with the mobile version at the moment.  If you find a way to switch the iPad to the classic view, you should be able to find the log in tab & registration.

If you have time to introduce yourself, that would be great. cheers

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Last edited by Commander Clint on Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Commander Clint
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by dixiebull Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:28 pm

ourchickenshack wrote:Here is where are member feedback section is :

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

still not a lot of members that have started threads for themselves but it will grow in time hopefully .

I can assure you that the majority of the members here are well known in other Star Wars collector communities and would be safe to buy or trade from Very Happy

If you ever have any questions regarding members feel free to ask one of our mod team about them via a pm - we can let you know who has a good rep from our experience with them . Of course there are new members to us as well so the only way for everyone to get to know each other will be to see them posting and getting to know the rest of the community What a Face

Thank you so much for the link! I will keep track of it for further use. I'm sure I won't have any problems with anyone, but you never know. It does happen. I look forward to being more involved here and interacting with everyone!
Corellia Chugen

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Commander Clint Sat Jan 23, 2016 8:32 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

If you have a moment to introduce yourself, that would be great as well. cheers

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Commander Clint
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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by tongshen88 Sun Jan 24, 2016 1:38 am

1. What do you like about Tantive XI as it stands?

I like that it actually has a live chat that allows members to interact. Also, the design of the site looks pretty clean.

2. And more importantly, what aspects of the forum can we improve?

I would like to think that the forums would benefit from having a different colour scheme. Being red and white, mostly white in particular, I assume would not be kind on the eyes if users were to be using the forums in a dark night at night. Maybe the forums would benefit from having a more dull colour scheme say maybe black and orange.

It would really help to also have a quick reply function right at the bottom of the threads. This would really ease the users in replying as they get to look at what post they're replying to. Hope this helps.

Corellia Chugen

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Post by Nico Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:38 pm

Suber2016 wrote:Hi there! First of all, I have to applause this effort. Thanks a lot. Nevertheless, I tried to connect using an iPad and it was kind of problematic. The registration and Log in taba, didn't appeared, etc. I don't know if it is a compatibility problem, anyway, just wanted to let you know so you can check about problemas using iPads.

Hi Suber,
I'm just curious, did you then have to register using a PC ?
I use IPad 90% of the time, and luckily have not experienced these problems scratch
I'm sure if there are any IPad issues the tech dudes will sort it cheers
Cheers Andy afro
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Post by richard_h Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:40 pm

I still get the same issues with my iphone. The ipad is usually ok, although once or twice I've had the same issue. I cannot switch it to classic mode as the option is not there.
Yavin Yari

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Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI - Page 12 Empty Re: Your opinion matters, please let us know what you think about TXI

Post by Commander Clint Sun Jan 24, 2016 6:58 pm

tongshen88 wrote:I would like to think that the forums would benefit from having a different colour scheme. Being red and white, mostly white in particular, I assume would not be kind on the eyes if users were to be using the forums in a dark night at night. Maybe the forums would benefit from having a more dull colour scheme say maybe black and orange.

It would really help to also have a quick reply function right at the bottom of the threads. This would really ease the users in replying as they get to look at what post they're replying to. Hope this helps.


We actually made the choice of the white & red colour scheme, so it was easy on the eyes, especially when you are looking at the screen for a while.

And we had the quick reply function early on, but it was causing a problem with the mobile version.
Commander Clint
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