[LE] Imperial Stormtrooper

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[LE] Imperial Stormtrooper Empty [LE] Imperial Stormtrooper

Post by The Librarian Tue Oct 11, 2016 1:13 am

[coo_intro ITEM-TITLE="Imperial Stormtrooper" ITEM-SUBTITLE="" ITEM-COMPANY="Lili Ledy" IMAGE-URL-ONLY="https://i.servimg.com/u/f11/19/64/64/24/img_5210.jpg" YEAR-RELEASED="?" RELEASED-ON="El Regresso Del Jedi" FIRST-CARD="?" LAST-CARD="?" FACTORY-CODES="?" BOOKMARK-NAME="BOOKMARK_NAME_NO_SPACES"]

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[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="Discussion Topic"][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/snippet]
[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="Basic Coo Guide"][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/snippet]
[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="Advanced Coo Guide"][You must be registered and logged in to see this link.][/snippet]
[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="MOC Guide"]Link to be added[/snippet]
[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="Weapons &
accessories Guide"]Link to be added[/snippet]

[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="NOTE"]COO (xx & xx) is shared by the Lili Ledy and PBP Stromtrooper.

COO #xx and COO #xx

The Lili Ledy Stormtrooper came with two slightly different COOs. They differ only in the spacing between ‘©’ and ‘G.M.F.G.I. 1977.’:
-COO #xx: Almost no space between ‘©’ and ‘G.M.F.G.I. 1977.’
-COO #xx: Bigger space between ‘©’ and ‘G.M.F.G.I. 1977.’

These small COO differences do not indicate any differences in paint schemes. [/snippet]


[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="REMARK"]In the pics below a comparison (comparison pictures soon) is made between a Lili Ledy and PBP Stormtrooper. A Trilogo Stormtrooper is also included for reference. All three versions have a hard torso, which is cast in much more detailed plastic.[/snippet]

[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="DIFFERENCES"]Compared to his PBP counterpart, the Lili Ledy Stormtrooper has:
- A thicker black helmet band
- A wider black mouth piece
- Bright instead of creamy white head, torso and limbs
- Limbs made from soft instead of hard (more detailed) plastic
- Sometimes a filled peg hole in the right foot (see the pics further below)

Remark: The PBP Stormtrooper in the picture totally lacks the black paint on the helmet 'ear' pieces. Probably a factory error.

Compared to his Trilogo counterpart, the Lili Ledy Stormtrooper has:
- Another COO: COO xxxx instead of COO xxxx
- A thicker black helmet band
- A wider black mouth piece[/snippet]

[snippet SNIPPET-NAME="Weapons"]The Lili Ledy Imperial Stormtrooper came with a black Imperial Blaster having a different mould (V6 or V7) compared to the Kenner blasters.[/snippet]

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The Librarian
The Librarian
Sullust Samurai

Posts : 526
Join date : 2015-06-01
Yavin Honor : 58

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