Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
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Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I would like to have the opinion about those of you who saw the film. but who did not yet? before I express mine, want to be sure it is fine to do that here
chiktabba- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I added spoiler alert to the post title - now if anyone see's something they don't want to it's their own fault
I haven't seen it yet so I won't be checking back in on this thread until I do
Now discuss away
I added spoiler alert to the post title - now if anyone see's something they don't want to it's their own fault
I haven't seen it yet so I won't be checking back in on this thread until I do
Now discuss away
ourchickenshack- Dagobah Daimyo
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I know some people have criticized it for being a re-hash of A New Hope, but personally I enjoyed the movie & will be looking forward to the next installment.
cantina_patron- Bespin Busho
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I'm going to tone down my reply from other places I've posted my thoughts at, but suffice it to say that it's a visual thrill. And Harrison Ford is excellent. There are my positive reviews.
I have a MASSIVE laundry list of criticisms if anyone wants to hear it, and not lynch me like they have in other places.
In other words, I was against it before seeing it. After seeing it, I want Jar Jar Abrams drawn and quartered.
I have a MASSIVE laundry list of criticisms if anyone wants to hear it, and not lynch me like they have in other places.
In other words, I was against it before seeing it. After seeing it, I want Jar Jar Abrams drawn and quartered.
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Don't worry Ian, you won't get lynched here.
There was the odd bit I wasn't too thrilled with (e.g. the mobile Sarlacc looking creatures), but I let it wash over me & didn't let it spoil my enjoyment of the film. (I think using Rancors for that scene may have been better ).
The main thing to remember is that when we saw the original trilogy as kids we enjoyed & accepted the movies for what they were & they hold a special place in our hearts due to the impact they had on us.
As adults, it is much easier for us to be critical & be disappointed that the new movies don't meet our expectations. If we were exopsed to 'The Force Awakens' aged 7, I'm sure we would all be blown away.
There was the odd bit I wasn't too thrilled with (e.g. the mobile Sarlacc looking creatures), but I let it wash over me & didn't let it spoil my enjoyment of the film. (I think using Rancors for that scene may have been better ).
The main thing to remember is that when we saw the original trilogy as kids we enjoyed & accepted the movies for what they were & they hold a special place in our hearts due to the impact they had on us.
As adults, it is much easier for us to be critical & be disappointed that the new movies don't meet our expectations. If we were exopsed to 'The Force Awakens' aged 7, I'm sure we would all be blown away.
cantina_patron- Bespin Busho
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I really enjoyed this one! I dislike 1,2 & 3! With 1 being the worst hahaha jarjar & 2 & 3 being my fav! If that makes sense lmao. I like many OG heads love the originals! My fav being ESB!
But I really liked TFA! Han kicked ass as usual! I really liked Fin's character and BB8 awwwwww lol and I cried yes I cried at that one scene! well I can't wait to see the next one. I'm really surprised on how this one turned out!
But I really liked TFA! Han kicked ass as usual! I really liked Fin's character and BB8 awwwwww lol and I cried yes I cried at that one scene! well I can't wait to see the next one. I'm really surprised on how this one turned out!
Darth_June- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I agree, I think next episode will be better.
THis one is much better than the episode 1 2 3 from 90's, but I have to say that I didn't like it that much. I felt so many times "I already saw that".
but maybe the conclusion is we are too old to see new star wars films, you have to see it between 7 and 10. I am sure the kids who saw it just loved it.
THis one is much better than the episode 1 2 3 from 90's, but I have to say that I didn't like it that much. I felt so many times "I already saw that".
but maybe the conclusion is we are too old to see new star wars films, you have to see it between 7 and 10. I am sure the kids who saw it just loved it.
chiktabba- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
First off i think the whole SW buzz atm is great, its great to see the force back.
It wasnt a bad movie, i had fun watching it even if i did nearly fall asleep lol
I just feel like there was nothing new, the wonder from seeing a new story in the SW universe want there for me, nor did i find it gripping or thrilling.
JJ did a good job with the set and i thought the costume was authentic but the movie lacked soul and heart imo but i think im in a small minority that thinks that so i have to saw JJ has done a good job judging by others reactions, if people love it then hes done his job
@ Ian, hit us with your thoughts mate
It wasnt a bad movie, i had fun watching it even if i did nearly fall asleep lol
I just feel like there was nothing new, the wonder from seeing a new story in the SW universe want there for me, nor did i find it gripping or thrilling.
JJ did a good job with the set and i thought the costume was authentic but the movie lacked soul and heart imo but i think im in a small minority that thinks that so i have to saw JJ has done a good job judging by others reactions, if people love it then hes done his job
@ Ian, hit us with your thoughts mate
AussieFortuna- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
cantina_patron wrote:Don't worry Ian, you won't get lynched here.
Woohoo! Alrighty then. You've all been warned, lol.
AussieFortuna wrote:
@ Ian, hit us with your thoughts mate
I agree it's good to have SW in the spotlight Tony. But....it's not all rosy.
This is what I posted about in on RS.
I have been VERY negative about it, to the point I refused to see it at all. Well, my family convinced me to go Saturday night. We bought tickets two hours in advance. There were empty seats in the theater, and only ONE showing at ONE screen out of two theaters on 10 screens total running it throughout the day was sold out. ONE! What happened to all those sellouts?
What I find refreshingis the honest people calling like it is. Not blinded by hype, or with rose colored glasses. It's amazing how many people are justifying their love by saying it's better than a trilogy of movies they despise. Huh? That makes it good? Very few are actually putting it above any of the OT. It's like saying the first Fantastic Four is better than this year's FF, so therefore the original was a great movie. Or the argument it "feels" like SW. Of course it does - it's a rehash in every way! And would you like me to demonstrate that?
Rey = young innocent with no parents on desert planet who discovers she is Force sensitive and becomes the main hero = Luke
Kylo Ren = former Jedi apprentice who falls to the Dark Side, acquires a black outfit and red lightsaber, and becomes the real villain's #1 henchman = Darth Vader
Kylo Ren = teenager/young adult with temper tantrum issues = Anakin Skywalker
Finn = guy who escapes big ship in the beginning of the movie, hooks up with lost young hero on desert planet, and is used mostly as a cowardly character with comedic relief after that = C-3PO (there are other comparisons, but this one sticks on a very general level)
BB-8 = smartass little droid who contains vital information for the good guys and because of that is being hunted by bad guys = R2-D2
Maz = small alien who gives hero Anakin's original lightsaber, then focuses young hero as to their destiny = Yoda/Obi-Wan
Maz Kanata's home base = somewhat hidden in a lush forested area = Yavin IV base
Maz Kanata's house band = aliens playing music for alien smugglers, pilots, etc. = Mos Eisley Cantina
Spy with long metallic looking snout notifying First Order in strange beeping voice good guys are hiding in bar = Garindan's only scene in ANH, right down to the description of his appearance and voice
Starkiller Base = giant planet modified to become destructive force used to wipe out Rebel base = Death Star I AND II
Starkiller Base = ice planet = Hoth
Starkiller Base = having a weakness exposed in a trench that fighter spacecraft can infiltrate and blow the whole damn thing up = Death Star I
Jakku = desert planet that is home to the future central hero = Tatooine
Captain Phasma = mysterious soldier employed by the Empire hunting down heroes that wears a unique suit of armor with a cape over one shoulder that we only see a little of = Boba Fett
Luke Goes Into Seclusion On A Remote Island = where he goes after his failure = Yoda Goes To Dagobah
General Hux = Nazi-like leader in charge of Starkiller Base (ie Death Star I) who is shown to be disagreeable to Kylo Ren (Darth Vader), but loyal to Emperor character - Grand Moff Tarkin
Snoke = mysterious leader seen mostly in hologram form seated on a throne and is the true leader of the bad guys = Emperor
Poe = Rebel pilot hero and plays a vital role in the destruction of Starkiller Base (ie Death Star II), firing the fatal shot into the weapon = Wedge Antilles
Kylo Ren vs Han Solo = young former Jedi turned Sith kills older father with lightsaber blow after father tries to convince him to let go of his hatred = Vader vs Obi-Wan (Obi-Wan was a father figure, and tried to turn Anakin back in ROTS, then got killed as an old man with a single strike)
Leia = strong female leader who convinces man close to her to go and try to convert bad guy back to good = Leia (to Luke on Endor)
Rey Obtains Millennium Falcon = hero goes to junk shop, meets with slimy junk dealer, finds an unexpected friend, and ends up finding ship (or important part of one) that gets them off desert planet = Qui-Gon goes to Mos Espa junk dealers, meets Watto, discovers Anakin, and finds hyperdrive he needs to get off Tatooine
Rey goes deep inside castle, and with lightsaber in hand sees a vision of past/future that freaks her out = Luke goes deep into tree on Dagobah, and with lightsaber in hand sees a vision of his past/future that freaks him out
Max Von Sydow's character = person who supplies Poe/BB-8 with info the bad guys REALLY want, before being killed by Kylo Ren very early into movie = Captain Antilles, transporting Leia who provides R2-D2 with info the bad guys REALLY want, before being killed by Vader very early into movie
Than there's all the bits of fan service/cameos/Easter eggs. X-Wings, TIE Fighters, Star Destroyers, Chewbacca, Ackbar, Nien Nunb, various bits of dialogue, etc.
Oh, and what about dialogue? Everyone rips on a kid yelling "YIPPEE!" But everyone gives a pass to an adult yelling "YEAH!" or "WOOO!".
Everyone rips on Anakin being whiny and 'weak'. Kylo Ren gets a pass for not only being whiny, but having full blown temper tantrums.
In Poe's first interaction with the big baddie everyone knows, he says something to the effect of, "So who speaks first? Do I go first, or do you go first?" OUCH. Tell me that in 10-20 years, that kind of dialogue won't seriously date this film to the smart ass way people speak in 2015.
Every bit of dialogue between Han and Leia seems just as forced as anything Anakin and Padme shared.
Why are there so many times characters literally introduce themselves by saying, "I'm ___. Who are you?" "I'm ____, good to meet you." Even Han has to remind everyone who he is by saying "Han Solo just stole back the Millennium Falcon". In case you missed it, C-3PO has to call Han by name too. And in the self-introductions, is that a realistic conversation between Poe and Finn, as they are escaping a Star Destroyer that is now firing at them?
Why does Poe treat Finn like a dog? "I don't have a name. I was called FN-2187 (another reference by the way - 2187 was Leia's cell block number in ANH)". Poe doesn't want to call him FN, or use numbers, so he decides he's going to call him 'Finn'. And Finn accepts it. He was named the way you'd name a pet.
Okay, so you don't mind the rehashes and cheesy/unrealistic dialogue. What about plot?
Captain Phasma is a bad ass. Finn is terrified of her. She is in command of the stormtroopers. Yet one hipcheck and pointing a gun at her face, and she obligingly shuts off the shields that leave the entire Starkiller Base vulnerable? Well, I guess she was defiant in saying someone else was going to make them pay for it......
Finn is a janitor. But was also a trained soldier? Do trained soldiers really get stuck with menial jobs like that? And for their first mission, they are sent on an assassination run, as they try to recover what they feel is a major item vital to both the First Order and Resistance? If he was trained as a child to do one job (his own words), then it would be indoctrinated in his head. It would be all he knows. Compassion and morality would not exist for him. Huge plot fail.
Starkiller Base (from here on in called SKB ). Oh boy, this is a doozy. It sucks all energy from a sun to power up. It then uses that power to send a blast hurtling through space to blow up all planets in a star system. Ok, for this thing to be effective, it must be able to move from one star to another, or else it gets one shot and is then useless. Is this how it works? If not, the SKB must be able to move. How did they get an actual planet to break orbit and become mobile? Stars are different sizes. If the weapon is charged at the exact moment the star is drained of energy, what happens when it gets to a smaller star? It doesn't get charged enough? A larger star, it gets overcharged? Why even blow up planets, except as a nifty special effects piece, when a star suddenly drained of all energy will plunge all the planets orbiting it into total darkness and cold, essentially rendering them uninhabitable and killing everyone on them?
Luke is built as a hero who will fight not only the power of a far more powerful Emperor, but also confront his own father in an almost insurmountable quest to turn an evil villain good again. He succeeds. He is left with the purpose of training all future Jedi. Then, his nephew turns dark, slaughters all apprentices, and Luke.......gives up? Goes into hiding? This isn't the Luke I know.
Speaking of Luke and his seclusion. It is thought he went to the very first Jedi Temple. Wouldn't that be an obvious place for a Jedi to go to meditate and live out his days in seclusion? And not one person in the entire UNIVERSE would know where that might be located? That should have been the first place the First Order should have looked.
Rey, as has been said, has no training, and even has no knowledge of the Force or Jedi. Luke was the same, as was Anakin. Luke took time to master his skills. Anakin took 10 years to develop his. Rey took hours. Anakin is the Chosen One, but Rey picks it up infinitely faster? How would she even know about mind tricks, much less do one? And what of her piloting skills? Both Luke and Anakin were said to have exceptional skills. Luke would "bullseye" womprats on Tatooine. Anakin was a master pod racer. Rey....rode a speeder? What history did they establish that would make her skills flying the Falcon believable?
You can argue that it's fantasy, and science doesn't apply. Star Wars has always stretched reality, but in a way that was believable within the universe. Abrams has stretched it past that point, and has asked us to accept ludicrous ideas at times without question. There's a limit to how far you can push the boundaries of realism before it takes you out of the movie and makes you question what you're watching.
As far as effects, they did a good job with most of it. However, those tentacled rath..whatever they're called things, were as horrible as any CGI monstrosity in the PT.
It's not all bad. I thought the score was decent. It used old bits of score when necessary, even if using Luke's theme every time Rey did something with the Force strongly shouts out she's his daughter, and the new bits were just fine. The effects were mostly stellar. Harrison Ford was terrific. That makes him, the strongest part of the movie, the most tragic part, as the films have lost the only character that was great.
I'll be VERY generous and give this 5/10. I loved the plot, but that's ONLY because it was excellent when originally used. This rehash had the look and feel of Star Wars, but in a very shallow, superficial sense. The effects were fantastic for the most part, but everything else was average at best. It did plagiarize the originals, and to answer those questioning this. Lucas was inspired by Kurosawa, etc., and borrowed those elements and put his own spin on it in a different universe. Jar Jar Abrams did the same, but put all the borrowed parts right back into the same universe. No originality at all. Even the PT were original in that regard, meaning characters, settings, etc., were re-used, but in a different plot.
And no, I am not an OT purist. Nor am I a "hater". I enjoyed the PT for what they were. I accept the faults, and readily admit there was some bad CGI, dialogue, and other criticisms. The OT had some of the same. But the enjoyability factor trumps those issues. Here, I just couldn't get past the blatant ripoffs.
But...in the end...I'll have the same people saying "you like Jar Jar? 'nuff said, har de har", or post some lame meme about being a "hater".
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I agree with most youve said Ian, as i was watching the movie i must have rolled my eyes 10 times with the recycled plot, it was used to a point where it went well beyond a point of being lame, i just wasnt buying into it, nor did it grab me, it was almost like the instalment to the SW universe that never was because it gave us absolutely nothing we havnt seen before, not even a plot that we hadnt seen before.
JJ just plagiarised the entire movie its as simple as that.
JJ just plagiarised the entire movie its as simple as that.
AussieFortuna- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I saw some people going out of there way to post spoilers on a app I'm on & immediately looked for tickets. I got to see it on Thursday night with about 30 people there. I guess the early release caught everyone by surprise. About half way through I turned to my wife & said this kind of sucks. It was a copy of Episode 4 & it was just safe. After finishing the movie, I decided I liked it. It wasn't bad, it wasn't really good it was just safe. A few days later I started looking for positives, being negative is always easy. I thought about my 7 nieces & 2 nephews. I think they will love this movie that I will be forcing on them. I thought Rey was bad ass & it was visually amazing. I was 3 when Star Wars came out & it's one of my first memories, as it changed my life even at a young age. It's my gold standard & I compare everything to it. My nieces range from 3-10 in age. Instead of being a grump, I hope to share this movie with them & if they love it like I think they will, it can be seen as nothing but a success. So for me, I enjoyed it & what it will bring to me in sharing it.
PAT-AT- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I ended up watching it a midnight purely because my mate said, I'm off to see if there is a que and if not I'm off, so I said let me know and I'll join you, there wasn;t so we did and shared the cinema with about 30 other people.
My greatest expectation was that the horrible, dialogue, acting and directing would be a thing of the past now that George had handed over the reigns to JJ, then second Rey opened her mouth I sighed and looked at my friend and said "well that's not good" Both Rey and Finn, Kylo and the Officer dude where terrible, the same bad dialogue and acting as Episodes 1,2 & 3 which also equals terrible directing, this set me on a bad role.
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I too got slammed by all my Star Wars friends for saying it was basically shit. I actually started a thread and wrote about 10 pages and was going to post it but decided against after receiving so much grief off my friends so I abandoned it.
Like it has been said, the film was a rehash, I described it to my mate as...
"Film about a galactic empire that have built a planet killing death planet and are also searching for something, the details of which have been stored in a droid that has stumbled across a Jedi on a sand planet.... ring any bells???"
And that's with out going into the details that Ian layed out.
Even destroying the Death Planet was done by shooting a platform on it's surface, no Jedi required or anything special, infiltrate and lower the shields and then shoot highly exposed area.... did they not learn from the others???
At last the Death Star 1 required an actual Jedi because the computer couldn't hit the target.
The other thing that annoyed me was the fact it layed waste to the original trilogy! Episode III you see them building the Death Star, Episode IV 20 years later it's finished and they want to test it. So how long did it take to build a Death Planet??? This is 30 years later, so if a Death Star took 20??
Point being, Jedi had a definitive end to the story and Episode VII basically made it look like they all just thought fuck it, done our bit, now lets let them rebuild there Death Planet and army and armada and do nothing to stop them??? So basically made 4,5 & 6 pointless.
I could go on...
I watched it a second time and tried to just watch it and did enjoy it more but it doesn't alter the fact of everything I just said.
When Episode I first came out I loved it, the hype, the wait over, Darth Maul, double Lightsaber, epic lightsaber battle, nostalgia, groundbreaking special effects etc. all these things blinded me too the fact that I had just watched a shit film, it dawned on me later.
I think that's the problem here and give it a few month's and this view will be shared by many more people...
If you do feel let down though, don't worry, we'll always have the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies to cheer us up
My greatest expectation was that the horrible, dialogue, acting and directing would be a thing of the past now that George had handed over the reigns to JJ, then second Rey opened her mouth I sighed and looked at my friend and said "well that's not good" Both Rey and Finn, Kylo and the Officer dude where terrible, the same bad dialogue and acting as Episodes 1,2 & 3 which also equals terrible directing, this set me on a bad role.
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I too got slammed by all my Star Wars friends for saying it was basically shit. I actually started a thread and wrote about 10 pages and was going to post it but decided against after receiving so much grief off my friends so I abandoned it.
Like it has been said, the film was a rehash, I described it to my mate as...
"Film about a galactic empire that have built a planet killing death planet and are also searching for something, the details of which have been stored in a droid that has stumbled across a Jedi on a sand planet.... ring any bells???"
And that's with out going into the details that Ian layed out.
Even destroying the Death Planet was done by shooting a platform on it's surface, no Jedi required or anything special, infiltrate and lower the shields and then shoot highly exposed area.... did they not learn from the others???
At last the Death Star 1 required an actual Jedi because the computer couldn't hit the target.
The other thing that annoyed me was the fact it layed waste to the original trilogy! Episode III you see them building the Death Star, Episode IV 20 years later it's finished and they want to test it. So how long did it take to build a Death Planet??? This is 30 years later, so if a Death Star took 20??
Point being, Jedi had a definitive end to the story and Episode VII basically made it look like they all just thought fuck it, done our bit, now lets let them rebuild there Death Planet and army and armada and do nothing to stop them??? So basically made 4,5 & 6 pointless.
I could go on...
I watched it a second time and tried to just watch it and did enjoy it more but it doesn't alter the fact of everything I just said.
When Episode I first came out I loved it, the hype, the wait over, Darth Maul, double Lightsaber, epic lightsaber battle, nostalgia, groundbreaking special effects etc. all these things blinded me too the fact that I had just watched a shit film, it dawned on me later.
I think that's the problem here and give it a few month's and this view will be shared by many more people...
If you do feel let down though, don't worry, we'll always have the Holiday Special and the Ewok movies to cheer us up
General Kahn- Sullust Samurai
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Just posted this on RS in a similar thread. I'm not much of a fan-boy to be honest so didn't do an in-depth analysis...Things might make more sense when the second movie comes out - TFA is part of a package and hard to judge on one movie alone.
I loved it. Yes it felt like ANH (I hated the death star rehash) but deep down I think that's what most of us wanted anyway. Maybe the sequels will spin off into something much more original and JJ was just setting the tone with this one. It was the first time since ROTJ that I felt like I was watching a real SW movie.
There were some plot holes and a few flaws but I think we are looking at the original trilogy through rose coloured glasses. The trilogy was replete with plot holes and some of the acting and dialogue was horrendous. Not one of those movies was even close to being on the level of Citizen Kane, Casablanca, The Godfather etc. But GL still captured our imagination, the same way JJ has captured mine and that of a new generation of SW fans.
My wife is not a SW or sci-fan but she really liked it and also found it very empowering for women.
I loved it. Yes it felt like ANH (I hated the death star rehash) but deep down I think that's what most of us wanted anyway. Maybe the sequels will spin off into something much more original and JJ was just setting the tone with this one. It was the first time since ROTJ that I felt like I was watching a real SW movie.
There were some plot holes and a few flaws but I think we are looking at the original trilogy through rose coloured glasses. The trilogy was replete with plot holes and some of the acting and dialogue was horrendous. Not one of those movies was even close to being on the level of Citizen Kane, Casablanca, The Godfather etc. But GL still captured our imagination, the same way JJ has captured mine and that of a new generation of SW fans.
My wife is not a SW or sci-fan but she really liked it and also found it very empowering for women.
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
@General Kahn,
The backlash for not liking it to me, has been almost akin to telling a Muslim that Allah is gay (and for the record, that's for comparative use only - not my feelings on Muslims or what they believe).
There has been some support, but overwhelmingly the reaction is a written kick in the balls. People expressing almost fanatical love, and if you DARE to challenge that, by offering nothing other than your personal opinion, they lynch you and call you nothing but troll, hater, "not a fan", etc. It was so bad, that a few days ago I very nearly quit the hobby completely, as it feels like I just don't don't fit into the "modern" fanboy image. Even a fellow vintage collector, who i respect and consider a friend, gave me the nickname "buzzkill" on my Facebook. The derision made me almost hate Star Wars as a whole, never mind turning dislike of TFA into pure hatred. Christmas Eve, I was prepared to take my entire collection, including my prized MOC's, and sell the whole thing and just walk away.
A couple of days later, and I've calmed down a bit. I spent WAYYYYY too much time debating with extreme fanboys on RS and SWFUK, some of whom are even calling this rehash better than the OT ( ), and not enough time here, which in its short existence has already shown to be FAR more tolerant of all opinions. I had already pretty much quit RS, and now that is permanent. Fuck them. I'm taking a sabbatical from everywhere else until conversations are no longer about this movie. That's to the benefit of this place, which will now be my primary home.
I get what you're saying. It is hard to look objectively at the OT, especially when it meant so much to our developing years. And while I get that people wanted a return to the "feel" of the OT, I never knew people wanted a straight up remake of what they saw before. I do not agree we need to look at this as part of a set of films. While that's obviously a factor, a film should be able to stand on its own merits without requiring a "complete" trilogy to "get it", nor require reading of various other media to explain itself (a comment various people on RS used to justify it). And yes, I absolutely see the flaws in the OT. ESB is the greatest movie of the entire Saga, but Luke's "Noooooo" was one of the worst delivered lines of all time. It's a well developed story I want to see (unless it's horror ), and while it may be adapted from an earlier source (ie. Hidden Fortress for ANH), it should take the plot elements and incorporate them into a new 'universe', not take them from within the same universe and rehash it with some gender switches and slightly altered scenarios.
Anyway, I think I am about done discussing TFA at all. Anyone who knows me now knows my stance on it. I got a copy for my kids already (my son, unlike me, gives it 10/10 and it's his fave movie), and after somewhat watching it again at home while I did other stuff, I have downgraded it to bottom place out of the 7 movies.
Having said all that, I'll repeat what I've been saying since the start. I'm happy for everyone to whom were not disappointed. Cheers all.
The backlash for not liking it to me, has been almost akin to telling a Muslim that Allah is gay (and for the record, that's for comparative use only - not my feelings on Muslims or what they believe).
There has been some support, but overwhelmingly the reaction is a written kick in the balls. People expressing almost fanatical love, and if you DARE to challenge that, by offering nothing other than your personal opinion, they lynch you and call you nothing but troll, hater, "not a fan", etc. It was so bad, that a few days ago I very nearly quit the hobby completely, as it feels like I just don't don't fit into the "modern" fanboy image. Even a fellow vintage collector, who i respect and consider a friend, gave me the nickname "buzzkill" on my Facebook. The derision made me almost hate Star Wars as a whole, never mind turning dislike of TFA into pure hatred. Christmas Eve, I was prepared to take my entire collection, including my prized MOC's, and sell the whole thing and just walk away.
A couple of days later, and I've calmed down a bit. I spent WAYYYYY too much time debating with extreme fanboys on RS and SWFUK, some of whom are even calling this rehash better than the OT ( ), and not enough time here, which in its short existence has already shown to be FAR more tolerant of all opinions. I had already pretty much quit RS, and now that is permanent. Fuck them. I'm taking a sabbatical from everywhere else until conversations are no longer about this movie. That's to the benefit of this place, which will now be my primary home.
I get what you're saying. It is hard to look objectively at the OT, especially when it meant so much to our developing years. And while I get that people wanted a return to the "feel" of the OT, I never knew people wanted a straight up remake of what they saw before. I do not agree we need to look at this as part of a set of films. While that's obviously a factor, a film should be able to stand on its own merits without requiring a "complete" trilogy to "get it", nor require reading of various other media to explain itself (a comment various people on RS used to justify it). And yes, I absolutely see the flaws in the OT. ESB is the greatest movie of the entire Saga, but Luke's "Noooooo" was one of the worst delivered lines of all time. It's a well developed story I want to see (unless it's horror ), and while it may be adapted from an earlier source (ie. Hidden Fortress for ANH), it should take the plot elements and incorporate them into a new 'universe', not take them from within the same universe and rehash it with some gender switches and slightly altered scenarios.
Anyway, I think I am about done discussing TFA at all. Anyone who knows me now knows my stance on it. I got a copy for my kids already (my son, unlike me, gives it 10/10 and it's his fave movie), and after somewhat watching it again at home while I did other stuff, I have downgraded it to bottom place out of the 7 movies.
Having said all that, I'll repeat what I've been saying since the start. I'm happy for everyone to whom were not disappointed. Cheers all.
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I thought it was quite a good experience myself. Everything and more than expected.
Although I have heard many a person say they where disappointed in the film.
For me the film was about building a story line similar to A New Hope or if we take ourselves away from the Star Wars world, similar to the Matrix trilogy.
The first film was about building the foundations for the next two that no doubt will come action packed from start to finish.
Although I have heard many a person say they where disappointed in the film.
For me the film was about building a story line similar to A New Hope or if we take ourselves away from the Star Wars world, similar to the Matrix trilogy.
The first film was about building the foundations for the next two that no doubt will come action packed from start to finish.
laurencedyer- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Well the wife and I just returned from seeing TFA and we were both quite pleased with it
Was it as good as the original trilogy , no , but still quite enjoyable
Considering most of us grew up in the era that the originals originally came out its pretty hard to expect the same impact it had on us when we we're 7 years old - seeing it 7 times at the theater was pretty impactful for me
I never go out of my way to over analyze any movie - either I enjoy it for what it is or I don't
We had a good time , enjoyed many of the characters (old and new) and look forward to seeing the story continue
The most important thing is that I know the Star Wars legacy will continue for many generations to come - and all the new fans will always want to see where it all began in 1977 . Sometimes you have to be willing to pass the torch to someone who loves it as much as you do so it can continue to burn
There may have been faults but if you look hard enough at any movie you'll find them - we just enjoyed a fun ride
Was it as good as the original trilogy , no , but still quite enjoyable
Considering most of us grew up in the era that the originals originally came out its pretty hard to expect the same impact it had on us when we we're 7 years old - seeing it 7 times at the theater was pretty impactful for me
I never go out of my way to over analyze any movie - either I enjoy it for what it is or I don't
We had a good time , enjoyed many of the characters (old and new) and look forward to seeing the story continue
The most important thing is that I know the Star Wars legacy will continue for many generations to come - and all the new fans will always want to see where it all began in 1977 . Sometimes you have to be willing to pass the torch to someone who loves it as much as you do so it can continue to burn
There may have been faults but if you look hard enough at any movie you'll find them - we just enjoyed a fun ride
ourchickenshack- Dagobah Daimyo
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I've been to see it three times now and each time I have enjoyed it much more. The poor acting of Rey in her opening scenes is what genuinely damaged the whole movie for me the first time round because that is the one thing that I didn't expect to see with Abrahms directing. Even though she pulls it off later in the film, her opening scenes are cringe worthy still.
Second and third time I just watched it for what it was and enjoyed it much more each time.
Don't get me wrong it still has the same flaws I highlighted earlier but it's still a much more enjoyable movie than any of the prequels by a long shot.
My major problem is still the story. Love the film or hate it, no one can deny that it is basically A New Hope . Now most people say, "oh it's just paving the way for the next two which will be awesome"
The fact is, this is true, but unfortunately it has paved the way for the next two films to also inevitably follow the original story.
You have Snoke, a dark leader who is calling all the shots who is inevitably going to have to die same as the Emperor.
You have Kylo Ren a dark master who is inevitably going to have to return to the light side no matter what.
Then you have Rey, we still don't know who she is, but it's either gonna be Kylo's twin sister or Luke's daughter, this is going to have to be revealed at some stage.
And Luke of course, old man in hiding who is coming out of hiding to train a Jedi and will no doubt die at some stage.
Force Awakens has set the stage for the rest to follow the original trilogy story regardless of how they do it. If we can avoid, Hoth, Ewoks and a second Starkiller Base they should be okay
Second and third time I just watched it for what it was and enjoyed it much more each time.
Don't get me wrong it still has the same flaws I highlighted earlier but it's still a much more enjoyable movie than any of the prequels by a long shot.
My major problem is still the story. Love the film or hate it, no one can deny that it is basically A New Hope . Now most people say, "oh it's just paving the way for the next two which will be awesome"
The fact is, this is true, but unfortunately it has paved the way for the next two films to also inevitably follow the original story.
You have Snoke, a dark leader who is calling all the shots who is inevitably going to have to die same as the Emperor.
You have Kylo Ren a dark master who is inevitably going to have to return to the light side no matter what.
Then you have Rey, we still don't know who she is, but it's either gonna be Kylo's twin sister or Luke's daughter, this is going to have to be revealed at some stage.
And Luke of course, old man in hiding who is coming out of hiding to train a Jedi and will no doubt die at some stage.
Force Awakens has set the stage for the rest to follow the original trilogy story regardless of how they do it. If we can avoid, Hoth, Ewoks and a second Starkiller Base they should be okay
General Kahn- Sullust Samurai
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
General Kahn wrote:Love the film or hate it, no one can deny that it is basically A New Hope . Now most people say, "oh it's just paving the way for the next two which will be awesome"
That excuse is what is inherently wrong with it. As is having to see it 2-3 times to decide one likes it. It fails as a standalone film, because it relies on future films to explain what happens. And that's not to mention the despicable tactic of requiring one to buy comics, books, etc., if they question any of the weaker plot points. However, I could accept plot holes and the like if it made any attempt whatsoever to show originality. It did not. There is virtually no scene or character in this movie that cannot be seen as a reflection of a similar scene, or combination of two scenes, in the OT. I admit I had a negative attitude towards it before I saw it - but I was just as negative towards Jurassic World. JW proved me wrong, and I ended up loving it. This movie just confirmed my pessimism.
As an aside, I have been most vocal about this on RS and SWFUK. The reaction I got caused me to abandon both places, although I'll eventually start posting on SWFUK again. Some people on both sites were downright nasty, all for the crime of not liking their new fave movie. Some of you may see though, I am now "banned" on RS. A couple of days ago, I decided I wasn't going to just leave 15 years of RS membership due to what was effectively cyber-bullying, so I went back, determined to not hold back on my opinions (and I already tend to speak my mind, lol). Well, that didn't go so well. A few guys openly admitted they were going to troll me to see how far I'd go, and I didn't back down. After some choice words, some of which involved sucking each other's dicks along with plenty other colorful language, GNT gave me a permanent ban. Yeah, my heart bleeds. I know you guys are far more mature than that (including my own actions, lol), so I look forward to actually debating the film itself and not getting labelled for it.
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
I completely see your points Ian , but even still I enjoyed the movie
I think one thing that sets the guys here apart from a lot of other places is we can disagree without getting pissed off at each other
Hell , it's just a movie and there's no reason for anyone to get worked up about it - love it or hate it . I was more in the middle and could see all the faults you have mentioned but it was still cool to see another Star Wars movie .
I don't follow RS much at all so I missed your brawl
Hard to believe shit got so crazy you got banned
I think one thing that sets the guys here apart from a lot of other places is we can disagree without getting pissed off at each other
Hell , it's just a movie and there's no reason for anyone to get worked up about it - love it or hate it . I was more in the middle and could see all the faults you have mentioned but it was still cool to see another Star Wars movie .
I don't follow RS much at all so I missed your brawl
Hard to believe shit got so crazy you got banned
ourchickenshack- Dagobah Daimyo
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Yes James, all I ever wanted was discussion. I may have been vocal, but still respected those that liked it, and was happy for them. And that's the truth, no superficial bullshit.
The backlash made me very bitter, and I've had a pretty low profile the last couple of weeks. Aside from the "night of the ban", this was the only place I had posted at since before Christmas. My heart just hasn't been in it. I think it's turning around now, as you can probably tell from my multiple posting ejaculations tonight. The most I've posted at one time in ages. Sadly, you can't read the fun at RS, as GNT has erased the whole thing.
The backlash made me very bitter, and I've had a pretty low profile the last couple of weeks. Aside from the "night of the ban", this was the only place I had posted at since before Christmas. My heart just hasn't been in it. I think it's turning around now, as you can probably tell from my multiple posting ejaculations tonight. The most I've posted at one time in ages. Sadly, you can't read the fun at RS, as GNT has erased the whole thing.
Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Ian_C wrote:Yes James, all I ever wanted was discussion. I may have been vocal, but still respected those that liked it, and was happy for them. And that's the truth, no superficial bullshit.
The backlash made me very bitter, and I've had a pretty low profile the last couple of weeks. Aside from the "night of the ban", this was the only place I had posted at since before Christmas. My heart just hasn't been in it. I think it's turning around now, as you can probably tell from my multiple posting ejaculations tonight. The most I've posted at one time in ages. Sadly, you can't read the fun at RS, as GNT has erased the whole thing.
Hi mate,
Hey i was just reading that force awakens thread on RS and noticed 'banned' under your name, i thought it couldnt be right so i went to your latest posts to see if there had been some big blow up with somebody or a mod but there was nothing there out of the ordinary, whats going on bro?
Are you suspended or banned and why?
I could never imagine an RS without yourself,
AussieFortuna- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Ian_C wrote:General Kahn wrote:Love the film or hate it, no one can deny that it is basically A New Hope . Now most people say, "oh it's just paving the way for the next two which will be awesome"
That excuse is what is inherently wrong with it. As is having to see it 2-3 times to decide one likes it. It fails as a standalone film, because it relies on future films to explain what happens. And that's not to mention the despicable tactic of requiring one to buy comics, books, etc., if they question any of the weaker plot points. However, I could accept plot holes and the like if it made any attempt whatsoever to show originality. It did not. There is virtually no scene or character in this movie that cannot be seen as a reflection of a similar scene, or combination of two scenes, in the OT. I admit I had a negative attitude towards it before I saw it - but I was just as negative towards Jurassic World. JW proved me wrong, and I ended up loving it. This movie just confirmed my pessimism.
As an aside, I have been most vocal about this on RS and SWFUK. The reaction I got caused me to abandon both places, although I'll eventually start posting on SWFUK again. Some people on both sites were downright nasty, all for the crime of not liking their new fave movie. Some of you may see though, I am now "banned" on RS. A couple of days ago, I decided I wasn't going to just leave 15 years of RS membership due to what was effectively cyber-bullying, so I went back, determined to not hold back on my opinions (and I already tend to speak my mind, lol). Well, that didn't go so well. A few guys openly admitted they were going to troll me to see how far I'd go, and I didn't back down. After some choice words, some of which involved sucking each other's dicks along with plenty other colorful language, GNT gave me a permanent ban. Yeah, my heart bleeds. I know you guys are far more mature than that (including my own actions, lol), so I look forward to actually debating the film itself and not getting labelled for it.
Aaaaaaaah ok, i missed this and missed the drama on RS.
AussieFortuna- Corellia Chugen
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Wow, RS really sucks! They banned you??? and then removed your comments, censorship seems to be the current forum trend Not here though chief so feel free to fire away
On a TFA foot note, I was just trying to warm my arse on the radiator and I have a display cabinet right in front of me which has my Tantive IV model on top and I happened to notice that in TFA the new Millennium Falcon deflector dish is the same as on Tantive IV just seemed slightly interesting because of out forum
Well it's close enough and seen as they stole everything else from A New Hope then why not a few props as well
On a TFA foot note, I was just trying to warm my arse on the radiator and I have a display cabinet right in front of me which has my Tantive IV model on top and I happened to notice that in TFA the new Millennium Falcon deflector dish is the same as on Tantive IV just seemed slightly interesting because of out forum
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Well it's close enough and seen as they stole everything else from A New Hope then why not a few props as well
General Kahn- Sullust Samurai
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Wow Alex.
You are the Master of small details. Very interesting find!
You are the Master of small details. Very interesting find!
Dr Dengar- Bespin Busho
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Re: Let's talk about star wars VII The Force Awakens
Everyone is still considered a Spoiler Thread? This is considering the fact that its over a month this movie has been released!
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