A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

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A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection Empty A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

Post by Paul Armory Fri Jan 29, 2016 12:11 pm

A few weeks back I had a couple of local collectors at my place for a chat and a beer. While they were both simultaneously looking at my display one guy said something to other that I partly heard and asked him to repeat himself. He repeated himself and it was a compliment on how everything he was seeing was clean and well set up. Needless to say it was a welcomed comment and very appreciated that others share in the same pride as I  Smile

Any and every single item that has come through my door has been detailed (as much as possible) with cotton swabs. My reasoning has 2 parts:

1- I want what I display to look as top notch as possible and
2- Who knows how many grubby hands have touched, what germs lay in wait, how many mouths have drooled on, how much dust has settled or how much smoke and nicotine has settled? Not to mention what other sick crap the items were part of pale

I just added a Death Star Escape today and immediately went to work. Over all it was ok and I only pulled some minimal browning from the surfaces but then I did the elevator (top and bottom) and then the cotton swab turned a nice deep brown. So was it a build up or dust or what  Shocked You cannot overlook any part Wink  

For me It goes beyond just having the items displayed. I don't have OCD by any means but I do have the respect and pride to display these Vintage items proper. Also sets a great example for the padawans to learn from too  rockon
Paul Armory
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A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection Empty Re: A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

Post by ChristianC Sun Feb 14, 2016 12:52 pm

Nice work Paul, sure is nice to get a compliment once in a while isn't it. I only get teased lol! A friend came around last night and asked me why my figures all looked the same!
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A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection Empty Re: A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

Post by Chancellor_Peter Tue Feb 16, 2016 10:30 am

Thanks for sharing Paul. Cleaning with cotton swabs and wiping with lint free paper towels and cloth shall be my SOPs going forward.
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A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection Empty Re: A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

Post by Commander Clint Tue Feb 16, 2016 1:51 pm

That is the way to do it. clapping Especially if it's going into display cases. cheers
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A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection Empty Re: A sense of pride with the displayed items in the collection

Post by chris.75 Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:32 pm

I use my sons old hair brush from when he was a baby. Its very soft and is kept by the kitchen sink at all times.
So that when any new purchase comes through the door. it gets a gentle scrubbing with the brush and some warm soapy water drunken
Tatooine Taisho

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