looking for beaters

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looking for beaters Empty looking for beaters

Post by arohk Fri Feb 26, 2016 3:29 am

Hey guys I am in need of some figures for customs if anyone has any beaters for cheap let me know.

Here are some I am looking for
Imperial Stormtroopers all types
Slave Leia potf2 one loose
Luke pilot

I also have some beaters I can trade as well.

Thanks all
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looking for beaters Empty Re: looking for beaters

Post by the89thchris Wed Dec 21, 2016 3:37 am

I've amassed a fair sized box of beaters but not a ton of imperials. Maybe a couple stormtroopers, a biker scout and a couple pilot Lukes.

Might be able to save shipping depending where you're at. Do you have a bunch of customs? Would you take a few beaters and some cash in exchange for one of you're creations or do you just make them for yourself?

Either way I'm happy to get you some beaters, (assuming you're still making customs lol this is an old post) they don't have much value and you seem like you'd put them to good use.
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