I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood

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I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood Empty I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood

Post by StarWarsGeek1977 Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:45 pm

I felt little a little kid on Christmas morning  when  I got the box from the mailman and opened it.... I had one just like it when I was 3...... I remember taking it to the Drive- In with me to watch " The Empire Strikes Back." It's by far one of my favorite child toys... I have to get some batteries and see if it works.... The best part of collecting is finding something that brings back so many memories... I'm done for now... Going to go find some batteries...

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I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood Empty Re: I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood

Post by Commander Clint Mon Jun 13, 2016 5:59 pm

Stop talking to us, and go find some batteries. nanny Hopefully it still works. cheers
Commander Clint
Commander Clint
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I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood Empty Re: I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood

Post by Nico Mon Jun 13, 2016 7:13 pm

Hope it still works Matt, Cool piece mate cheers
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I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood Empty Re: I just got "The Empire Strikes Back" blaster from my chilhood

Post by chris.75 Mon Jun 13, 2016 8:10 pm

thats a cool piece, I always wanted one of those blasters ( and the stormie rifle Smile ) as a kid, greta pickup matt clapping
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