dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????)

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dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????) Empty dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????)

Post by poncho Thu Nov 03, 2016 11:46 pm

picked up this loose dengar

you will notice one odd limb. not unusual too find mixed limbs its very common infact

this particular example shows us 1 x matt purple/grey leg and the rest of him gloss light purple.

while photographing it i noticed underneath the odd limb foot is 2 subtle light scratched letters C and H

if a child were to mark a figure one would assume they would use a pen. so what this done at factory production? or was it child's initials? mmmmm


the fact there so subtle marking im thinking factory

what do you think fellas?

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Sullust Samurai

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dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????) Empty Re: dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????)

Post by Commander Clint Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:05 am

From the picture, the "c" looks scratched in, and the "h" looks like faded marker. I tend to lean towards child marked.
Commander Clint
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dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????) Empty Re: dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????)

Post by poncho Fri Nov 04, 2016 12:18 am

Commander Clint wrote:From the picture, the "c" looks scratched in, and the "h" looks like faded marker.  I tend to lean towards child marked.

i never thought about faded marker aspect it does look v smooth and i cant feel any indentation. the c is clearly scratched in maybe a kid pressed hard into the plastic for the c and not the h.

Sullust Samurai

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dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????) Empty Re: dengar oddity (factory scratches perhaps?????)

Post by the89thchris Wed Dec 07, 2016 1:59 am

That all sounds pretty likely guys but the paint variance does make it a little more interesting. Seems like a weird thing to do at a factory too though right? Or is there presidence for that kind of thing?
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