A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain

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A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain  Empty A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain

Post by poncho Thu Mar 09, 2017 10:43 pm

i saw this on the Galaxycorp group and is posted by Javi Ruliopez.

this kind of info will get buried on FB its quite useful and informative too good not post on a more permanent platform


Hi All!
This is a list of Late PBP figures which can be usually found loose outside Spain.
I hope this is useful Wink
This is a list made from memory and based on my collecting expereince.
This List may vary from one collector to an other.
This list it is NOT absolute at all!!.
Any addition would be very appreciated, of course!
*R2-D2. HONG KONG CoO Hard Torso:MEXICO.
*CHEWBACCA Smooth deleted CoO/Or Remaining “D”: UK, Germany, France and Benelux.
*VADER Scar CoO/ Or Remaining “H”: UK, Germany, France and Benelux.
*BEN KENOBI Melted down CoO: MEXICO.
*HAN SOLO (ORIGINAL) Melted down CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*DSC Melted down CoO: UK and France.
*GREEDO Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and USA.
*HAMMERHEAD Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and USA.
*WALRUSMAN Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and USA.
*SNAGLETOOTH SCAR CoO: UK, Germany, France and USA.
*LUKE PILOT Scar CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*BOBA FETT Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and Benelux.
*SNOWTROOPER Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and USA.
*REBEL SOLDIER HOTH (DARK CHEST)pink face. Melted down CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*BOSSK Scar CoO: UK and France.
*IG-88 Scar or Smooth deleted CoO: UK.
*LUKE BESPIN Made in+ Melted down CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*LUKE BESPIN Made in+ Raised bar CoO: MEXICO.
*HAN HOTH Made in+ Scar CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*LANDO BESPN Scar CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*YODA Smooth deleted CoO: MEXICO.
*DENGAR Scar CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*AT-AT DRIVER (Hard torso) Made in + Smooth deleted CoO: UK, Germany and France.
*IMPERIAL COMMANDER Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and Mexico.
*LUKE HOTH Pink Face Scar CoO: France.
*AT-AT COMMANDER Scar CoO: UK, Germany, France and Benelux.
*CCP Scar CoO. UK and France.
*TFP Scar CoO: France.

Sullust Samurai

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A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain  Empty Re: A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain

Post by Commander Clint Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:23 am

Chris, Thanks for adding the list here. Hopefully Javi sees this, and can help with the list.
Commander Clint
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A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain  Empty Re: A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain

Post by ChristianC Fri Mar 10, 2017 8:33 am

Saw this on FB, What a great post by Javi.

You're right that this info can get lost on FB....
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A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain  Empty Re: A List of late PBP figures which can be found loose outside of Spain

Post by hellhippie Fri Mar 10, 2017 11:39 am

thanks for sharing , some rarities in that list
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