do all sabers glow under UV light

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do all sabers glow under UV light Empty do all sabers glow under UV light

Post by poncho Mon Mar 20, 2017 1:33 pm

i have a blue kenobi saber thivh which is dark blue which i know is a geniuine variant saber. but it doesnt glow under UV and it sinks though im 90%sure its original as not all.sabers float. so does the darker blue saber sink or its thicker material is this why it doesnt glow under UV.

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do all sabers glow under UV light Empty Re: do all sabers glow under UV light

Post by Commander Clint Mon Mar 20, 2017 2:03 pm

If I remember correctly, you're right in not all original sabers float. But not sure about how they glow under UV light. I think Chris (chris.75) & Oscar (M4K3R1) have tried the DV sabers under the UV light, But I don't remember anyone trying the Ben sabers under UV light.

Is there a Kenobi focus collector around?
Commander Clint
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do all sabers glow under UV light Empty Re: do all sabers glow under UV light

Post by starwars_runner Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:20 pm

All of my loose (8?) and MOC Luke (3) sabres glow under a black light
and loose (4), MOC (2) Vader sabres glow under a black light
None of my Loose (5/6) or MOC (2) Ben sabres glow under a black light
Hope that is of some help
Corellia Chugen

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do all sabers glow under UV light Empty Re: do all sabers glow under UV light

Post by hellhippie Tue Mar 21, 2017 12:35 pm

starwars_runner wrote:All of my loose (8?) and MOC Luke (3) sabres glow under a black light
and loose (4), MOC (2) Vader sabres glow under a black light
None of my Loose (5/6) or MOC (2) Ben sabres glow under a black light
Hope that is of some help

this is very good info . I never knew . thanks
Bespin Busho

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do all sabers glow under UV light Empty Re: do all sabers glow under UV light

Post by DarthBane Fri Mar 24, 2017 12:23 am

Oh a very good Information. But the question is if the repro Sabers of Luke and Vader also glows under blacklight ? Btw if the Ben saber doesn´t glow? scratch
TIG spotted Repro lightsabers with the same traits Neutral
Corellia Chugen

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