most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by poncho Wed Nov 01, 2017 11:53 pm

im assuming ewok village. then the shuttle. i bet the ewok battle wagon was expensive too.

i wonder if with inflation from 1977 to 1984/85

the falcon and death star set was on a par with the ewok village and shuttle money wise???
Sullust Samurai

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by Calrissian_Charm Thu Nov 02, 2017 12:17 am

I distinctly remember the AT-AT being very expensive.
Corellia Chugen

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by Commander Clint Thu Nov 02, 2017 2:34 pm

That would be an interesting idea for a thread. What was the original retail price of the toys when they first came out.
Commander Clint
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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by cantina_patron Thu Nov 02, 2017 3:21 pm

Good call Clint. As many of these items have original price stickers, that should be possible. We could also try & compare original retail prices (when 1st released) with the sale prices towards the end of the line. E.g. in the UK the last 17 were sold on Trilogo cards for an RRP of £1.59. They were commonly later sold for £0.99 and finally £0.49 at retail in stores such as Tesco.
Bespin Busho

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by Calrissian_Charm Thu Nov 02, 2017 9:56 pm

I've got a retail price of $46.68 for an AT-AT, at the time. Which was a lot of money for a toy in 1980-81.

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Corellia Chugen

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by cantina_patron Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:04 pm

Thank you for posting that Jonathan, all information is very useful for the benefit of the community. Very Happy
Bespin Busho

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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by hellhippie Fri Nov 03, 2017 9:31 am

i seem to recall the at at being the most pricey item around . i can still hear my mother saying no lol!
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most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85 Empty Re: most expensive item back in the era? and inflation 1977 vs 1984/85

Post by ChristianC Mon Nov 06, 2017 8:33 am

Great question!

I pretty much couldn't afford anything beyond carded figures so I have no idea how much things cost. I did once get the Darth Vader carry case and I don't think that was cheap.
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