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Hello everyone Empty Hello everyone

Post by arohk Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:34 pm

Hi everyone sorry I haven't been on here much, I have been having a rough go at thing's. I missed talking with everyone here and seeing all the new item's in your collections. I haven't bought much for some time or worked on any customs, I do have a few I am thinking about doing.

Crystal is doing OK for the most part but MS is really taking a toll on her, she is finding it hard to do thing's and even walking is extremely difficult, at least she has her scooter when we go out. For myself the roll of caregiver has increased dramatically. Having my own health issues don't help much either but at least I am getting more sleep, It turns out I have been suffering with sleep apnea for a long time, I was sent to a sleep Clinic where they observed me for a night now I have this machine blowing air down my throat to keep my air ways open. It was a strange feeling for the first few weeks until my body adjusted but now I sleep way better.

I am still with the 501st and just need to finish a few parts of my Tie Pilot costume and then get approved. I have a few new blasters And once they are done I will post photo's. Not sure if I mentioned it but we now have 2 black cats, a 3 year old female and a 4 year old male we got them from our daughter and husband. They moved to the upper most part of Québec with limited access to any vet's.
One thing I now need to do is go over all my loose figure and reorganize them, they all got mixed up when I was boxing everything up now I have Lil Ledy figures mixed in with the Kenner ones, the issue now is trying to tell them apart as some of my Kenner ones have no COO stamp and being color vision impaired it is hard to tell using reference guide's. I now have a hard task to deal with. My main idea is to get rid of all but a few loose ones so I can go after the baggie and Lil Ledy one's. Anyway I am glad to be on here again I missed you all.

Outer Rim Ronin

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Focus : started on a baggie collection and lil ledy

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Hello everyone Empty Re: Hello everyone

Post by Commander Clint Sun Oct 07, 2018 6:54 pm

Larry, it's good to hear from you. I'm glad to hear that you're sleeping better, and that Crystal is doing ok. Both of you have had a rough go lately.

I hope you're able to stop by more often to chat as well.

Good luck sorting out your loose Kenner & Ledy figures. Hopefully there is another collector close by, that can give you a hand.
Commander Clint
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Hello everyone Empty Re: Hello everyone

Post by Nico Sun Oct 07, 2018 7:18 pm

Hey Larry,
 Good to hear from you bro rockon
Great your sleep is getting better mate and give best wishes to Crystal from all the Tantive team Very Happy
Drop by when you can Larry, we all miss your input here also,
Take care man,
Andy afro
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Hello everyone Empty Re: Hello everyone

Post by grinchy Sun Oct 07, 2018 10:41 pm

Hey there
Sorry, sounds like life has been a bit hectic for you and your partner, hope things improve for you both
Take care and post when you can
Bespin Busho

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Hello everyone Empty Re: Hello everyone

Post by ourchickenshack Sun Oct 07, 2018 11:02 pm

Wish things were better for you brother but still great to see you back around Very Happy

Post up pics of the figures your not sure about and we can help you identify them cheers
Dagobah Daimyo

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