Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa

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Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa Empty Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa

Post by Commander Clint Wed Apr 27, 2022 2:45 pm

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Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa Empty Re: Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa

Post by chris.75 Thu Apr 28, 2022 5:36 am

That's a great video Clint, thanks for posting it up. there were a couple of scenes in it, that I hadn't seen before.
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Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa Empty Re: Deleted Scenes - Star Wars Episode V The Empire Strikes Back 1980 - Echo Base Wampa

Post by Dr Dengar Tue May 03, 2022 9:56 am

Thanks for sharing, Clint.

I like the deleted Wampa scenes a lot but I can understand that Lucas decided not to use the footage.
The Wampa doesn't look that frightning compared to the scene when he attacks Luke on his Tauntaun. Here it looks just like a man in a suit, more like a giant white Ewok. Very Happy
The last scene where the Snowtrooper is snapped by a Wampa arm has a high slapstick level. Though it is funny to watch it probably does not fit well in the very serious battle driven Hoth scenes.

Echo Base Wampas were also part of the Shadwos of the Empire game when Dash Rendar opens a door with the same yellow warning label on the outside (at 1:00 in the vid below)

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