China Coo Figures

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ChristianC Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:03 pm

Ian wasn't you who had a argument about this issue with this same idiot but on FB?
Tatooine Taisho

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Ian_C Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:51 pm

ChristianC wrote:Ian wasn't you who had a argument about this issue with this same idiot but on FB?

Possible Christian. I`ve debated things with so many clueless collectors on message boards and Facebook it`s hard to keep track, lol. I do remember debating the China COO, but can`t remember where or when. Last one was a guy selling his hollow cheeks Tusken at absolute top end prices, ungraded and without even a Gaffi stick, and trying to convince people he was giving them a deal. Crazy part was a whole one guy defended me, and he had people coming out of the woodwork to support him, despite me linking all kinds of completed ebay sales to prove my point, and it resulted in me getting banned from that group temporarily because I`m a stubborn prick who wouldn`t let it go. Didn`t last long, as I apologized to Jason for being a dick about it, and he reinstated me.

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Guest Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:59 pm

Ian_C wrote:Uneducated trolls!  

If one of them shows up here, can I have a turn at reforming him? Please?  shooting


You know, it has been a while since I have seen Ian perform a troll exorcism. Can't wait to see it in action. popcorn

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ourchickenshack Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:21 pm

trappedtexan wrote:
Ian_C wrote:Uneducated trolls!  

If one of them shows up here, can I have a turn at reforming him? Please?  shooting


You know, it has been a while since I have seen Ian perform a troll exorcism.  Can't wait to see it in action. popcorn

Unfortunately , due to my lack of involvement at RS , I have missed many of Ian's performances and never got to know him (like I hope to get to know him here cheers ) .

I have seen a few though when I would visit RS on occasion and I know he is a very respected guy that's like John Wayne Toilet Paper - he doesn't take shit off of anyone bowwing

I feel honored that you are here Ian cheers
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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Guest Sun Dec 06, 2015 8:37 pm

Ian kind of got an unfair dicking from a certain person (HMF) on rs who liked to skip over chain of command and go straight to the top.  He didn't get banned or anything but that dickhead tried to get him in trouble.  I have been around for a good troll bash or two, but I don't spend lots of time at rs either.  Yeah the bashing this guy got on TIG is nothing.  Another good troll beater is John Alvarez.  I don't see him around much anymore but that guy laid in to some people really good too. Oh and JoeY, can't forget him lighting up a few here and there.

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Ian_C Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:16 pm

Geez guys, I feel embarrassed. Embarassed

I'm a softie at heart, but will defend this hobby against trolls and those who treat it with destructive practices with an iron fist. My filter doesn't work too well, so it's gotten me into trouble a few times on a conservative site like RS.

Truth be told, I only picked up the slack when the original troll bashers left RS, or faded into the background.

Joe Yglesias and John Alvarez did it far more often than I did, and there was another guy called Billy who used to smash trolls too. Billy left the hobby a few years ago Sad, Joe got banned at RS for stupid shit on their end, and John has mellowed and doesn't get involved much in online arguments any more - although he can still kick ass when he chooses to. I was late to that party, so for a long time I think I was seen more as a follower to them. Now, while lots of guys have picked up the slack, like Todd and others, I think I'm the guy who's been around the longest still actively troll hunting on sites like RS, and for some of those guys, they don't even know the ass kicking John and the rest used to do. Joe, thankfully, still kicks ass, but I'm not sure how often he does it as I was never a regular at TIG, where he spends most of his forum time now. Hell, in a recent conversation I had with John, he said I was second only to Joe for being a "stubborn, pig-headed ass". Direct quote, lol. And he meant that in an appreciative way. Well, he did for Joe anyway, lol. I think he meant it the same way to me. buzzing

Anyway, with any luck, you guys won't even need to see that side of me. Unless Hoth_My_Fave joins up. I have a number of things to say to that tool that I have already been warned will instantly get me banned at RS if I verbalize them Wink

Sullust Samurai

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Guest Sun Dec 06, 2015 9:57 pm

I think the Billy your talking about is Billy Bennett aka baldylox.  Just had a conversation about him the other day as he was the guy who had most preproduction bossk stuff locked up.  

Don't worry Ian, you are a nice guy.  I even have seen a pic of you to prove it.

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Who could deny that is the face of a nice guy. lol!

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ourchickenshack Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:48 pm

I feel you Ian - I have a hard time filtering myself at times and am very passionate about the hobby and the friends I have made through it (and in the non internet world too) cheers

Standing up for what you believe and who you believe in is never wrong in my books bowwing
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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ChristianC Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:07 am

Ian_C wrote:Geez guys, I feel embarrassed.  Embarassed

I'm a softie at heart, but will defend this hobby against trolls and those who treat it with destructive practices with an iron fist.  My filter doesn't work too well, so it's gotten me into trouble a few times on a conservative site like RS.

Truth be told, I only picked up the slack when the original troll bashers left RS, or faded into the background.

Joe Yglesias and John Alvarez did it far more often than I did, and there was another guy called Billy who used to smash trolls too.  Billy left the hobby a few years ago Sad, Joe got banned at RS for stupid shit on their end, and John has mellowed and doesn't get involved much in online arguments any more - although he can still kick ass when he chooses to.  I was late to that party, so for a long time I think I was seen more as a follower to them.  Now, while lots of guys have picked up the slack, like Todd and others, I think I'm the guy who's been around the longest still actively troll hunting on sites like RS, and for some of those guys, they don't even know the ass kicking John and the rest used to do.  Joe, thankfully, still kicks ass, but I'm not sure how often he does it as I was never a regular at TIG, where he spends most of his forum time now.  Hell, in a recent conversation I had with John, he said I was second only to Joe for being a "stubborn, pig-headed ass".  Direct quote, lol.  And he meant that in an appreciative way. Well, he did for Joe anyway, lol.  I think he meant it the same way to me. buzzing

Anyway, with any luck, you guys won't even need to see that side of me.  Unless Hoth_My_Fave joins up.  I have a number of things to say to that tool that I have already been warned will instantly get me banned at RS if I verbalize them Wink


We're hoping we don't need too many troll exorcisms here but you never know....

I like the diplomatic approach personally. But if that doesn't work, well you get guys like Ian involved... Or Todd O....

Ian you definitely have earned your rep as a sledgehammer but like you said, you are a softie at heart. You were the first to help out a newbie at RS and I can't count the amount of times you helped me out personally. Who knows if I would have stuck around in the hobby if it wasn't for guys like you guiding me. It's heartbreaking what happened with you at RS. You were our heart and soul. Jim you are in the same camp. Absolute head basher when you feel the need but there's a reason why you are one of the most-loved guys at TIG (and already here Smile.

Tatooine Taisho

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ourchickenshack Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:42 pm

I completely agree Christian , Diplomacy is always the best first approach cheers

but for those occasions that sound logic and reason fail , no matter how hard we try , it is great to have guys like Ian yay

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Dagobah Daimyo

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Guest Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:52 pm

Ian_C wrote:

Anyway, with any luck, you guys won't even need to see that side of me.  Unless Hoth_My_Fave joins up.  I have a number of things to say to that tool that I have already been warned will instantly get me banned at RS if I verbalize them Wink


Is it bad that I want to send him an invite now? lol!

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by ourchickenshack Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:00 pm

trappedtexan wrote:
Ian_C wrote:

Anyway, with any luck, you guys won't even need to see that side of me.  Unless Hoth_My_Fave joins up.  I have a number of things to say to that tool that I have already been warned will instantly get me banned at RS if I verbalize them Wink


Is it bad that I want to send him an invite now? lol!

Yes , it's bad  lol!

Let's not try to anger the bear ...

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Dagobah Daimyo

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Guest Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:23 pm

Getting somewhat off topic to the original jackwagon this thread was about, but I doubt many of those types will come here. To many, how do I say minded individuals shooting thefinger indy rockon (both members and mods), here to have much trolling going on. In an environment like this if a troll does come on board he won't be here long, in my opinion.

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty Re: China Coo Figures

Post by Ian_C Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:20 am

trappedtexan wrote:
Ian_C wrote:

Anyway, with any luck, you guys won't even need to see that side of me.  Unless Hoth_My_Fave joins up.  I have a number of things to say to that tool that I have already been warned will instantly get me banned at RS if I verbalize them Wink


Is it bad that I want to send him an invite now? lol!

I've already sent him one. thefinger

I agree with Bryan though, we're getting off topic. I don't really see trolls lasting long here either. They only frequent places where they get protected by moderation, not called out by it. nanny


PS. Great. I take one selfie in my entire life, and post it on one site. Now I'm getting memed. audi
Sullust Samurai

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China Coo Figures - Page 2 Empty China Coo's

Post by Lando Frychickien Wed Jan 06, 2016 12:07 am

Lol, I've been losing my cool quite a bit with people doing and saying stupid things, I might need a little break for awhile. :-)
Lando Frychickien
Lando Frychickien
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