POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

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Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_lcap100%POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_rcap 100% 
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_lcap0%POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_rcap 0% 
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_lcap0%POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_rcap 0% 
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_lcap0%POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Vote_rcap 0% 
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Total Votes : 5

POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by psybertech Sat May 09, 2015 9:18 pm

Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?
Do you use it?

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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by ourchickenshack Sat May 09, 2015 9:22 pm

That's the little wheel on top of my mouse , between the left and right click buttons , correct ?

If so , yes , I use mine a lot Smile
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by psybertech Sat May 09, 2015 9:25 pm

ourchickenshack wrote:That's is the little wheel on top of my mouse , between the left and right click buttons , correct ?

If so , yes , I use mine a lot Smile
Smile yes sir!
I love it and using it on the zoom feature in the COO images ROCKS! rockon

that's really why I was asking tongue
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by Commander Clint Sat May 09, 2015 9:37 pm

Mac mighty mouse, so no scroll button persay.  I'll have to try it on the COO images. Just give me a minute till I put my glasses on. lol! cheeky
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by pattejan Sat May 09, 2015 9:57 pm

psybertech wrote:
ourchickenshack wrote:That's is the little wheel on top of my mouse , between the left and right click buttons , correct ?

If so , yes , I use mine a lot Smile
Smile yes sir!
I love it and using it on the zoom feature in the COO images ROCKS! rockon

that's really why I was asking tongue

Yes Sir! And I use it permanently to scroll up and down ... but obviously I don't know how to use it for zooming on COO images. sos
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by psybertech Sat May 09, 2015 10:00 pm

pattejan wrote:Yes Sir! And I use it permanently to scroll up and down ... but obviously I don't know how to use it for zooming on COO images. sos
When you hover over a coo image and it enlarges, you can use the mouse wheel to move up and down. That's all really. It only helps when the zoomed image is not completely on the screen. But nice to use for sure. Smile
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by ourchickenshack Sat May 09, 2015 10:03 pm

so the plural for a hairy animal mouse is Mice ...

when we are talking about our collective computer Mouse's are they still referred to as Mice ?

sorry - I'm a little buzzed all the time bong2

Dagobah Daimyo

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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by pattejan Sat May 09, 2015 10:08 pm

Nice! cheeky
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by Dr Dengar Wed May 13, 2015 8:17 pm

For PC users: I use CTRL + Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out. Works in any programm.

Nouce! Very Happy
Dr Dengar
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POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel? Empty Re: POLL: Do you have a mouse with a scroll wheel?

Post by ourchickenshack Wed May 13, 2015 11:27 pm

Marco Jay wrote:For PC users: I use CTRL + Mouse Wheel to zoom in and out. Works in any programm.

Nouce! Very Happy

Thanks Marco , I just learned something new cheers

Cool Trick clapping
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