Akials Vintage Customs

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:13 pm

Here I'll show you my vintage customs. A lot of these I made in the late eighties. At that time I used only vintage star wars stuff. When I restarted in customizing a few years ago I kept that. I just want to make customs with the stuff I had as a kid. No POTF 2, GI Joe (never had these) or anything else modern. I really tried to use all the parts left over from a figure. no remains. This is getting a funny game. Wink
Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:23 pm

Starting with the very beginning of ANH. Captain Antilles in Vaders fangs. Instead of Han Bespin I used the original Han because he is more tiny at Vaders arm and his right arm is in an nice position for the taggling. I used a wire around Antilles neck and stick it into the Laser arm of Vader.
And guys before you have any strange ideas. No (!) Antilles is not peeing against Vader. st00pid That is just his right Hand Wink Just realized it. lol!

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Guest Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:26 pm

Now that's funny. You knew to be proactive on the gutterminded. lol!

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:32 pm

Next is Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. I took a Luke Jedi knights body for owen with an madine head. The remaining head I took for aunt Beru. Funnily Luke Jedi and Aunt Beru share the absolutely same hairstyle. Even the parting has the same direction. I  just took a little bit red for the lips to make it a Little bit more feminine. Body Comes from 4-Lom (I still call him so) and the legs are cut off Bibs.

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:28 pm

Next one. Three Sandtroopers on there search for the Droids.
Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:29 pm

Damn Forgot the Pic bloody me

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Commander Clint Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:34 pm

Dirk, these are fantastic. Thanks for posting them.

Keep up the great work. clapping
Commander Clint
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:34 pm

Cantina Guys. Bo Shek and Hrchek Kal Fas are just mixed from Bossk and Han Bespin. Just shortend the limbs of Bossk to achieve the right size.

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Tue Dec 08, 2015 8:43 pm

I really like Bo Shek and Kal Fass. Just mix up to Figures and get two knew. Nothing left over. Very Happy
Next is Wuher and Dr. Evazan. It is a shame there never was a Dr. Evazan Figure. He is pretty cool guy. Well what I had in mind from the movie (at the time I made these there was no Internet) was his pig nose. Therefore I took the ugnaughts head for Dr. Evazan buzzing
Wuher is a quite Slim Version. At first I wanted to take a rancor keeper, but on the other hand this is real vintage style, isn't it? afro

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by ourchickenshack Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:25 pm

Your customs are awesome Dirk bowwing

I believe I have seen a couple of them somewhere at some point but , for the most part , they are all new to me cheers

Keep them coming man - I'm loving it yay
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Tue Dec 08, 2015 9:41 pm

@ Clint and James. THX a lot. It is great fun for me being here surronded with so many crazy customizers clapping
@ James I posted these in a german Forum. Maybeyou saw them there.
Tomorrow I'll come up with two of my very favorites. bananarock
Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:28 pm

Here we go. I needed a Pruneface Body for another Custom and thought about what to do with the left over head. Than I had the Idea of doing a Wioslea with the Pruneface head. And it was a good chance to learn how to paint eyes. yay Doesn't matter for this character. Body is from an emporer. Finally I really like her. Wink And it is vintage style IMO

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by arohk Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:33 pm

Very cool customs Dirk I rally love the Wioslea one that is so cool Smile.
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:40 pm

This one is my favorite. Garindan. Just used the left over emporers head from Wioslea with the DSC body which remained from the Antilles Custom, with a Vader Cape. Looks fucking great thefinger Unfortunately I forgot to add a Communicator from a CCP.

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by chris.75 Wed Dec 09, 2015 9:52 pm

these are outstanding custom figures Dirk, I really love the Vader and Antilles custom, what a cool idea cheers
The Garindan is really well made too, and Dr Evazan is a very clever idea, using an ugnaught head clapping clapping
Tatooine Taisho

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by ourchickenshack Thu Dec 10, 2015 5:59 pm


Wioslea is cool and certainly done in a very vintage style cheers

but your Garindan is probably the coolest rendition I have seen by any customizer of that character afro
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by pattejan Thu Dec 10, 2015 6:23 pm

Awesome customs Dirk! They look ... well, just WOW! clapping
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:51 pm

Thank s to James and Patrick. Very Kind words from you. bowwing
Here is another guy from Tatooine. As there were so many Figures made by Hasbro modern lines from a-second-in-the-background-cantina-Aliens, I thought this guy should have his figure as well. The original Jabba played by the actor Declan Mullholland.

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Fri Dec 11, 2015 3:57 pm

Here I have a nice mystery for you. Who can tell from which vintage head is this Tarkin made from??? rofl

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by chris.75 Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:00 pm

fantastic customs Dirk, Tarkin is definitely one of the figures they Kenner should have produced first time around.

Your Tarkin looks like a customized lando head?
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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:29 pm

Ohoooooooooooooh strike you are right. clapping Didn't thought it to be that easy to recognize.

Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:45 pm

Last one from ANH at first. General Dodonna. Again used an ugnaught head with a Ben Body. I needed the pig nose and the Ben head for other customs. So Dodonna is just mixed up from the leftovers. But he has a nice goat stick to show the guys how to Smash up that Death Star. Smile

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Yavin Yari

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by chris.75 Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:32 pm

Akial wrote:Ohoooooooooooooh strike you are right. clapping Didn't thought it to be that easy to recognize.

Its that smile, its unmistakably Lando Very Happy

Love the General Dodonna custom too, Its a great use of leftover parts clapping clapping

Tatooine Taisho

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by ourchickenshack Fri Dec 11, 2015 6:24 pm

Even more awesome customs Dirk clapping

I really love the Declan Mullholland Jabba bowwing

The mouse droid is really cool too - what did you make it out of ?
Dagobah Daimyo

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Akials Vintage Customs Empty Re: Akials Vintage Customs

Post by Akial Fri Dec 11, 2015 7:27 pm

Got me What a Face The mouse droid is a neo one. What a shame. smoking
Yavin Yari

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