Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by MaikelCediel Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:19 pm

The most interesting find in a long time in the ledy galaxy and leaving us with more questions than answers !!!
love to see some other close up pictures missing to much details for know but than again im not a expert and do hope this out come will be positive ?

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Corellia Chugen

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by Commander Clint Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:27 pm

That is an awesome find.

We were just discussing it back stage, behind the curtain. cheeky

The only ones missing are the Luke & Leia Bespin's.

If you haven't seen it yet. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
Commander Clint
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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by MaikelCediel Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:33 pm

lol the hype of the day.

Last edited by Starwizz on Tue Jan 12, 2016 9:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Corellia Chugen

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by Commander Clint Fri Jan 08, 2016 7:38 pm

Starwizz wrote:lol the hype of the day,seems i can login on the fb page ? was my on fault : (
have to border Marco with this again lol!

Not sure why you can't login on the FB page?
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Commander Clint
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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by hellhippie Thu Jan 28, 2016 9:11 am

has this turned out to be legit? I know there has been some questions
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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by Mosh Thu Jan 28, 2016 5:29 pm

Some of the pictures posted by the same guy (Julio Arreola), which might satisfy your curiosity regarding details in the packaging. Bear in mind I AM NOT AN EXPERT on this, so I am not commenting that much: that I leave to you, guys.

I will just translate some of the stuff stated by Arreola in the Facebook group this was posted in (Star Wars Coleccionistas):

- He painted Darth Vader's chest plate as a kid: that's the reason it looks silver-coloured. This is the only made alteration to his figures. The rest –he claims– are showcased just as he got them from the store.
- The figures correspond to the cartons.
- He bought them at three different stores in Mexico (so yes, apparently, they were sold to the general public)
- He got them in 1981, and failed only to buy the Luke and Leia figures because even though he kept –as a kid– phoning the toy stores, he could not find them.
- He posted them just recently because at a collector's fair he saw that some guy showcased the cartons and thought "had I known that they were that sought after I would've shown them before".

Now, some stuff that well-respected members of the SW Mexican collectors community stated:
- Apparently, the blisters were glued upside down, with the small extra cavity on the top side.
- Some other respected collectors which claimed to have Imperio figures but don't have the cartons to prove it now see that the paint tones and details as the R2-D2's screw from theirs and these ones match. The general reputed member's opinion (Vilches, Adolfo M.O.) is that they are the real thing.
- The positioning of the blisters coincide with the only known picture known before this of a boy (Armando Hernández Becerra) with his Imperio Vader figure just opened, and which was taken by his brother. The collectors were back then puzzled as to why the blister was shown upside down. This helps suggest that both the photographed cartons on both this photo and the recently emerged ones are real:
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The Facebook page created exclusively for this finding is [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Most probably, it will be written in Spanish, given the fact that most of the people in it are Mexican.

Now, the extra pictures, which were taken by Arreola himself (I'll post only the images not posted in this thread already):

The initial posting. Translation done respecting typos and syntax errors. My comments appear in italics:
It's #juevintage ("vintage thursday" in the FB group where this was posted) and long time ago, in a toy store far, far away in Mexico City , I acquired this Lilí Ledy figures from The Empire Strikes Back - The year? 1981. Please notice the average price on a carton with a price sticker from Igor toy store (Now Juguetrón) stating 55 pesos from those faaaaraway years before the (peso) devaluations). The cartons were but myth for a long time (And I was not aware they were sought for), until an expositor at a convention shared them for fans and incredules alike to see them (It was not me) From the ten figures, only eight were put for sale (my thought here is not being able to find them at stores does not necessarily imply they were not sold), because Luke and Leia were not; appearing under such (sic) models until the Return of the Jedi line was brought back. This is the most vintage from my collection. The rest is history ; )"

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Now, the rest of the pictures.

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In the following he states that he bought two Rebel Commanders, one having the price sticker.  
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Some carton "artistic alterations" he made as a kid ; ) :
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The Snowtrooper, which was supposedly never sold in Mexico:
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Pitty that he has a shoddy camera ; )

Corellia Chugen

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty LILI LEDY - El IMPERIO CONTRAATACA (The Empire Strikes Back) 1981 Mexican Action Figures

Post by Julio Arreola Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:17 pm

Hi there:
I'm Julio Arreola from Mexico

I've been updated a huge database with photos and info regarding these 8 figures please feel free to visit and join me on facebook:

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And on Youtube on these links to see them too:

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May the force Be with You!!!!

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Julio Arreola
Julio Arreola
Corellia Chugen

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by Nico Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:31 pm

Welcome Julio, it's great to see you here at Tantive  welcome
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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by hellhippie Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:32 pm

thanksfor this
Bespin Busho

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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by Commander Clint Fri Mar 10, 2017 9:52 pm

welcome Julio

Thanks for posting the information. I don't have FaceBook, so I'll have to check out the video's on YouTube. cheers
Commander Clint
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 Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find  Empty Re: Mexican Lili Ledy Imperio Contraataca find

Post by poncho Sat Mar 11, 2017 12:37 pm

great find and story thanks for the info :-)
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