vintage Leia Bespin's TV debut????

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vintage Leia Bespin's TV debut???? Empty vintage Leia Bespin's TV debut????

Post by psybertech Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:46 pm

OK, sure we've seen vintage Star Wars in the movies and TV shows before, but they mostly feature the main figures from ANH and vehicles like the Falcon, X-Wings, etc.... but have you ever seen Leia Bespin in any of them? I haven't... until the other day.

The show is a US sitcom called "The Goldbergs" which centers on a kid and his crazy family during the 80s.

Well, this clip is from that show.

The kid, Adam, is trying to figure out how to take two girls to a school dance without either of them finding out he is there with them both at the same time... yeah, the kid is a geek like us, so the toys make more sense.


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vintage Leia Bespin's TV debut???? Empty Re: vintage Leia Bespin's TV debut????

Post by Commander Clint Fri Jan 15, 2016 9:58 pm

I don't get to see "The Goldbergs" very often, but it's a great show. Hopefully they will put it on Neflix soon. Very Happy
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