Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy

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Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy Empty Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy

Post by the89thchris Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:44 pm

Here's a little snippet of an interview with Gord Warren from Irwin Toy. He was the production manager at Irwin from 1976-2001 and as such he was in charge of manufacturing the Star Wars line in Canada. I helped shoot this for the Ontario Star Wars Collectors Alliance.

You can hear the rest of the interview on episode 95 of the Star Wars Collectors Archive Podcast, linked below.

Listen to the rest of the interview here:

'Chive Cast 95 - Canadian Coconuts
Tatooine Taisho

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Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy Empty Re: Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy

Post by Commander Clint Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:16 pm

Thanks for sharing the video. That was awesome. I've already listened to the Chive Cast episode, late yesterday afternoon. Well done.
Commander Clint
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Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy Empty Re: Gord Warren on Producing the Millennium Falcon at Irwin Toy

Post by the89thchris Sat Feb 16, 2019 4:51 pm

I think it went well. I wish I'd noticed at the time but at one point before Gord's interview plays, it kinda sounds like Toby is trying to say that vac sealed cards didn't come in sears multi-packs, which of course they did. rofl I'm sure I did a few of those despite my greatest efforts to avoid affirmative statements.

I look forward to a stern roasting and error report from Mr. Bradley. lol!
Tatooine Taisho

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