"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by the89thchris Mon Mar 16, 2020 5:26 pm

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On Sunday, March 15th, 2020, a Canadian ToyCon event was held at the Holiday Inn & Conference Centre in Burlington, Ontario. Many regular attendees and some vendors were advising the organizer against holding the event due to the risk of virus transmission. In fact, two other toy shows in the area had been recently canceled, one was on the same day. There were plenty of vendors, but few attendees. Clint and I were there! I'm sure some of you might be thinking "why would you guys go to that? Isn't it a needless risk?" Yes, it is. However, when you have a look at how many people were there, the copious hand sanitizer, and compare it to what you'd experience going to a gas station, much less a grocery store doing this weekend of panic, its a pretty small risk. At least with these items, people aren't picking up every single one and putting it in their mouth later that day. rofl

I popped in a little early while the vendors were setting up, so the show wasn't quite as dead as it looks in a few of those wide shots. I spoke with the organizer (who is a member of the Ontario Collectors Alliance), he seemed happy with the vendor to turn out but was telling me about all the grief he was getting online. I went back to my car to put away my camera and I saw Clint heading in. Clint spotted the best buy of the show, some uncut Topps and/or O-Pee-Chee sticker sheets that you can see in the Latest Acquisitions thread. He was nice enough to share what he found with me. Hopefully, you guys can get some enjoyment out of poring over these photos if you're stuck in the house, maybe you'll spot something we missed.

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Tatooine Taisho

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by Commander Clint Mon Mar 16, 2020 6:57 pm

Nice write up Chris.

There was a little bit more vintage SW at the show, than you can see in Chris's pictures.  Of the top of my head, I remember seeing a US ROTJ Laser Canon & a used/put together 1981 SW MPC Imperial AT-AT model kit.

You managed to get a picture of the Presto Magix that I picked up.  In the 3rd last picture. cheers

You also have a picture of the un-cut sticker sheets as well. nanny

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Commander Clint
Commander Clint
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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by the89thchris Mon Mar 16, 2020 8:08 pm

Yep, basically I went through and took a bunch of photos and didn't even notice the best thing. rofl
Tatooine Taisho

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by grinchy Mon Mar 16, 2020 10:44 pm

Great photos guys, glad you had fun, they have just canceled any large gatherings of people here in the UK, there's at least one show that's been postponed, scary times
Bespin Busho

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by the89thchris Fri Apr 03, 2020 3:47 pm

Looks like it truly was the last one for a good long while. It's getting weird out there. Hope everyone's doing alright.
Tatooine Taisho

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by Plastikheld Fri May 08, 2020 8:14 pm

Great impressions. Can't get enough of toy show photos.
Yours are excellent! Did you use a prime lens?
Corellia Chugen

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by the89thchris Mon May 11, 2020 9:31 pm

Plastikheld wrote:Great impressions. Can't get enough of toy show photos.
Yours are excellent! Did you use a prime lens?

If I recall, it was between a Sigma Art Series 30mm 1.4 and a Canon 50mm 1.4 on a 5D Mark III.
Tatooine Taisho

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"The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19  Empty Re: "The Last" Canadian ToyCon in Burlington, Ontario! #COVID19

Post by Plastikheld Tue May 12, 2020 12:50 pm

the89thchris wrote:
Plastikheld wrote:Great impressions. Can't get enough of toy show photos.
Yours are excellent! Did you use a prime lens?

If I recall, it was between a Sigma Art Series 30mm 1.4 and a Canon 50mm 1.4 on a 5D Mark III.
Ahhh, thanks - with this you did really nice impressions from the toy show.
Corellia Chugen

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