What's in your movie or tv playlist?

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by chris.75 Sat Mar 12, 2016 3:51 pm

I'm really Looking forward to daredevil season 2 cheers

I have just finished watching season 1 of 'Sense 8' which is written and directed by the wachowski brothers.
I really enjoyed this series and look forward to season 2 which comes out on Netflix in August.

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Mon Mar 14, 2016 8:40 am

Can't wait for Daredevil S2.

Just finished the first season of Mr Robot. One of the best shows I've watched in years.
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ourchickenshack Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:36 pm

ChristianC wrote:Can't wait for Daredevil S2.

Just finished the first season of Mr Robot. One of the best shows I've watched in years.

Season 2 starts tomorrow yay

If you haven't heard already 2 great characters are introduced this season ... Elektra and The Punisher (played by Jon Bernthal , AKA Shane from The Walking Dead) .

I know what I will be watching this weekend popcorn

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:23 am

Jon Berthal will be perfect as The Punisher!
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by kisstour03 Wed Mar 23, 2016 2:53 pm

I'm three episodes into DD Season 2. So it's awesome. I had to wait a couple of days to get into it because I was at the tail end of a binge watching of Breaking Bad. Which is an AWESOME!! show I wish I had watched when it aired originally.
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ourchickenshack Wed Mar 23, 2016 3:27 pm

kisstour03 wrote:I'm three episodes into DD Season 2. So it's awesome. I had to wait a couple of days to get into it because I was at the tail end of a binge watching of Breaking Bad. Which is an AWESOME!! show I wish I had watched when it aired originally.

The wife and I were late to Breaking Bad too - we only watched the last half of the final season as it aired and had binge watched all the earlier episodes a couple weeks before the final season .

We are only 4 episodes into the new Daredevil season but are loving it too cheers

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Sturm86 Sun Mar 27, 2016 9:40 pm

Just started watching SW Rebels today, quite pleased about it (: I have watched the first 6 episodes and I'll probably be done with the first 8 tonight!
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Commander Clint Mon Apr 04, 2016 3:28 am

I just finished the 2nd season of DD. That was fantastic. Now I'm starting into Jessica Jones. It's actually pretty good.
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Mon Apr 04, 2016 8:56 am

Jessica Jones is great.

I've got DD Season 2 ready in my tablet to watch on my 11 hour train ride (stopping in London for a night) to see Alex this weekend...

I'm watching Lucifer as well which is pretty funny. Based on a character from the Sandman comics.
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Commander Clint Mon Apr 04, 2016 2:13 pm

ChristianC wrote:my 11 hour train ride (stopping in London for a night) to see Alex this weekend.

Have a great time, and take lots of pictures. cheers
Commander Clint
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:38 am

Thanks mate, definitely will!
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ourchickenshack Wed Apr 06, 2016 5:08 pm

Still have 3 more episodes of Daredevil Season 2 to watch but I am enjoying it just as much as season 1 yay

So what are everyone's thoughts on the Walking Dead season finale cliffhanger ?

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by chris.75 Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:36 pm

ChristianC wrote:Jessica Jones is great.

I've got DD Season 2 ready in my tablet to watch on my 11 hour train ride (stopping in London for a night) to see Alex this weekend...

I'm watching Lucifer as well which is pretty funny. Based on a character from the Sandman comics.

I enjoyed Jessica Jones too and am quite looking forward to the Luke Cage spin off.
Finished DD S02, thought it was great, I enjoyed the Punisher storyline.

I have the X men first class movie and Agent Carter seasons 1 & 2 (still haven't seen this yet) stored on my tablet, for the 8 hour round trip to Scarborough, this weekend.

Jim I'm three episodes behind on The Walking Dead, so I will stay away from this thread  until I have caught up Smile
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Ian_C Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:46 pm

ourchickenshack wrote:

So what are everyone's thoughts on the Walking Dead season finale cliffhanger ?

The episode itself was fantastic. I'd have preferred to see who got Lucille'd, but am fine with the cliffhanger. I have a theory on who it is, but don't want to include spoilers. I'll say I've changed my mind from my initial belief it was Daryl though....

Anyone else watching Damien? Kinda strange, but it's produced by Glenn Mazarra (Walking Dead season 2 showrunner), so I gave it a chance. Lots of elements to like.

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ourchickenshack Thu Apr 07, 2016 4:56 pm

I too was fine with the cliffhanger - at 1st I was pissed but then I remembered that we wouldn't see any more episodes until October . I think I would rather live with the suspense then have to deal with the depression of mourning the loss of a cast member all summer What a Face

We have DVR'ed the Damien series and will be watching it soon Twisted Evil
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Ian_C Thu Apr 07, 2016 5:13 pm


Yeah, it's a ratings gimmick, but I think the most obvious choices have large fan bases. Don't want those people to dwell on the loss of their fave character all summer, as some may decide to not come back. Sure, the cliffhanger might upset a few who won't return, but I think that number would be lower than the alternative.

Only thing that sucks about it is for people like me who keep up on filming spoilers. It won't take long for us to find out which cast member is missing from the set. Sad

You'll like Damien, James. There's some pretty cool, and dark, imagery. Some cheesy aspects as well. If you liked the original Omen movie, there are a lot of throwbacks to that as well, with scenes from the original movie and references made often. Oh, and 3-4 episodes in, TWD's Hershel joins the cast. clapping

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ourchickenshack Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:19 pm

Ian_C wrote:Exactly.

Yeah, it's a ratings gimmick, but I think the most obvious choices have large fan bases.  Don't want those people to dwell on the loss of their fave character all summer, as some may decide to not come back.  Sure, the cliffhanger might upset a few who won't return, but I think that number would be lower than the alternative.

Only thing that sucks about it is for people like me who keep up on filming spoilers.  It won't take long for us to find out which cast member is missing from the set. Sad

You'll like Damien, James.  There's some pretty cool, and dark, imagery.  Some cheesy aspects as well.  If you liked the original Omen movie, there are a lot of throwbacks to that as well, with scenes from the original movie and references made often.  Oh, and 3-4 episodes in, TWD's Hershel joins the cast. clapping


Yeah , at least in the comics , when ******* got beat down by Negan you would have a continuation of the story the following month - waiting 6 months for the TV series to continue and follow up on the death would have been excruciating buzzing

I had no idea that Scott Wilson is in the cast of Damien - now I am looking forward to watching it even more cheers
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Ian_C Thu Apr 07, 2016 6:47 pm

Yeah, it was a surprise when I saw Wilson's name in the credits. It seems like he'll have a somewhat major role moving forward too.

He kept the beard. cheers

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Wed Apr 13, 2016 8:47 am

I finally watched the TWD finale. The last 15 minutes were so stressful! And we didn't even get to see who died! Felt a bit ripped off. I know who dies in the comics but no idea if they are going to kill off the same character.

Negan was terrific, great casting choice.
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Fri Apr 15, 2016 9:18 am

Was struggling to get into Daredevil S2 until around episode 5. Don't know why. But let me tell you, I got riiiiiiiiiight into it once Elektra turned up. Damn!!!!!!!!!!!!
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by chris.75 Mon Apr 18, 2016 9:01 pm

must admit I was little haunted for a couple of days by the closing scene of TWD finale affraid
I actually liked the cliffhanger, and I thought that neegan's final words were cleverly and carefully chosen, his inflection made it sound like it could have been any of them Twisted Evil
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by Ian_C Wed Apr 20, 2016 3:47 pm

chris.75 wrote:must admit I was little haunted for a couple of days by the closing scene of TWD finale affraid
I actually liked the cliffhanger, and I thought that neegan's final words were cleverly and carefully chosen, his inflection made it sound like it could have been any of them Twisted Evil

Most of that speech was work for word from the comic I believe.

I *think* I know who is getting the bat, but don't know for sure. I'll probably find out next month when filming spoilers start coming out, and maybe I'll put it in spoiler wrap here when it happens. Smile

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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:06 am

I just finished DD Season 2. Damn it's good!!!!

Might start watching Constantine. I know it only lasted a season though. Has anyone watched it?
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What's in your movie or tv playlist? - Page 2 Empty Re: What's in your movie or tv playlist?

Post by ChristianC Mon Apr 25, 2016 9:06 am

chris.75 wrote:I'm really Looking forward to daredevil season 2 cheers

I have just finished watching season 1 of 'Sense 8' which is written and directed by the wachowski brothers.
I really enjoyed this series and look forward to season 2 which comes out on Netflix in August.

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Finally downloaded this mate. Will give it a whirl soon. Thanks for the tip.
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Post by ChristianC Tue May 24, 2016 8:39 am

Anyone catch the "Outcast" special premier last weekend? It was an absolute ripper! The comic is another Robert Kirkman epic and is just brilliant.

I watched the Preacher premier last night and was a little disappointed but not totally against it. Reviews seemed pretty positive though. I'm a huge fan of the comic.
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